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Formative Summary

View performance data per formative in one place!

Neta Raz Studnitski avatar
Written by Neta Raz Studnitski
Updated over 2 months ago

Summary Tab on Formatives

Formative offers teachers and admins an overall view of performance data per formative under the Summary tab, including:

  • Overall performance

  • Formative progress (student participation status)

  • Average performance on standards tagged

  • Top 3 underperforming questions

  • Item type performance

  • Demographics**

For teachers, the data presented on this tab will include the data aggregated from all the teacher's classes this formative was assigned to. For admins (School & District license only), there will be and option to filter down the data by teams, teachers and classes.

Note: guest student data is not included in the Summary data

Overall Performance

Based on the amount of students who responded to the formative (not including guest students), the number and percentage of students who scored within each score threshold category are displayed.

The threshold categories correspond to those defined on the teacher's account (Paid Teacher / School & District subscribers can adjust thresholds in their account settings)

Click on the 'i' icon next to a threshold category to view a list of students who scored within this threshold and their individual performance:

New! Create Student Groups (Beta)

You can use the Overall Performance and the Thresholds breakdown to create student groups within your class. Once set, you will be able to assign any formative to one or more of these groups without having to select individual students. Click here to learn more about this new Beta feature!

To create student groups:

  1. Select a class from the dropdown menu at the top of the screen

  2. Click the "Create Student Groups (Beta)" button

  3. Confirmation will appear at the bottom of your screen

Formative Progress

This section will display total student participation status - how many students submitted the formative, how many are still in progress, and how many have yet to start

Standards Tagged

Here teachers can view the overall average performance on each of the standards tagged to the formative

Top 3 Underperforming Questions

The 3 most underperforming questions on the formative will be presented in this section. Click on each one to see full details

Item Type Performance

This section will provide you data on the performance level of your students on different item types. This data can be used to discern if there are specific question types that your students are struggling with.

Print Summary Tab

To print the Summary tab:

  1. Adjust the Summary tab's filters to your preferences

  2. Click "Print" at the top right corner of the Summary tab

  3. Adjust your printing preferences on the Printer Communication modal and click to "Print" (Note: You can also switch the destination option to "Save as PDF" to save the Summary tab in PDF form instead of sending it to the printer)

Admin View (School & District license feature)

Admins at organizations with a School & District license have the option to filter the summary report by teams, by teachers, and by classes:

Archived Students and Archived Classes Data

Admins can select to either include or exclude data from archived students and/or archived classes in the summary report by clicking on the settings button and toggling the respective buttons on/off per their preference.

Demographics (School & District license feature)**

Districts with a School & District license that are using OneRoster with Formative and have opted to import demographics, will see a demographics distribution breakdown directly on the summary report, accompanied by improved graphics.

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