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View Data & Act On Behalf of All Teachers in Your School & District licensed Organization
View Data & Act On Behalf of All Teachers in Your School & District licensed Organization

Using the Team Tracker, Progress, and Teachers Report sections to view and act upon data for all teachers in your organization.

Neta Raz Studnitski avatar
Written by Neta Raz Studnitski
Updated over 2 months ago

In this article:

  • Team Tracker

    • Team Tracker - Formatives View

    • Team Tracker - Standards View

    • FAQs / Troubleshooting the Team Tracker

  • Progress - Standards Progress Over Time (SPOT)

    • Filtering SPOT by students

    • Filtering SPOT by teachers / classes

    • Understanding the data generated in a SPOT report

    • FAQs / Troublshooting SPOT

  • Teachers Report

    • Search & Filter

    • View & Act on Individual Teacher Reports

The Admin Dashboard

From your Admin's dashboard you can view all of your teachers' data in one place. The "Team Tracker" section allows you to see and compare progress - by teacher, class, and individual students - on formatives and against standards. The "Progress" section provides you with a more detailed view into your teachers' and students' trends and progress on standards over time. And the "Teachers Report" section enables you to view usage and activity for individual teachers and gives you access to acting on their behalf in their classes and formatives.

Let's take a closer look at each of these sections:

Team Tracker

Within the Team Tracker section you can navigate to view results by formatives, or by standards.

Open the Team Tracker's Formatives view:

  1. Click on the "Team Tracker" section within your Admin tab

  2. Note that the "Formatives" button at the top left corner is highlighted in Blue

  3. Use the "Filters" menu to adjust your search to the correct time range and narrow down the results by adding filters by class tags (team, grade level, subject), by folder (search by title), or by formative title and tags (grade level, subject, academic school year, formative type). If your district has opted into sharing student demographics with Formative, you will also be able to filter results by your students' race and gender

  4. Click on a teacher's name to expand the view of their classes and bring up all of their formatives that match your search criteria

  5. Use the "Sort by" button to choose how you would like your tracker to display the data


  • You have the option to hide teachers and students names from this view by toggling on "Hide Names"

  • You can also choose to Show Archived Students data by toggling this button on

Extract individual data from the Formatives view

Click on the "totals" percentage for a specific student to pull up an overview of their performance on all the formatives matching your filters. The data will be presented on the right-side panel, and you can continue to click into each to view the students' submission of the formative.

You can also click directly on the student's result on a specific formative within the table to pull up the student's submission on the right-side panel.

Open the Team Tracker's Standards view:

  1. Click on the "Team Tracker" section within your Admin tab

  2. Click onthe "Standards" button at the top left corner (the view will switch when this button is highlighted in blue)

  3. Use the "Filters" menu to adjust your search to the correct time range and narrow down the results by adding filters by class tags (team, grade level, subject), by folder (search by title), or by formative title and tags (grade level, subject, academic school year, formative type)

  4. Click "Run Report" - the report will be generated and presented on the tracker

  5. Click on a teacher's name to expand the view of their classea and bring up all of the matching standards that were tagged to their formatives

  6. Use the "Sort by" button to choose how you would like your tracker to display the data

  7. Here, too, you can toggle on "Hide Names" and/or "Show Archived Students"

Each standards strand will be listed at the top of the table. Clicking on the strand will expand the view to the specific standards nested within it, and similarly clicking the each standard will exapnd the view to the sub-standards as well (if applicable):

Extract individual data from the Standards view

Click on the "totals" percentage for a specific teacher or a specific student to pull up additional information on their performance on standards. The data will be presented on the right-side panel, and you can continue to click into each standard to view the specific questions that were tagged to that standard as well as the students' responses to them.

You can even click on "View Progress" at the bottom of the panel to navigate directly to the "Progress" section.

Add Quick Link to Tracker Report


If you run the same tracker report repeatedly you can add a quick link to a specific report (along with the settings defined on it) to any folder in your account.

To add a quick link:

  1. Run the report as listed above

  2. Then, click on 'Add Quick Link' from the menu at the top of the page

  3. Give the report a title by typing it into the top text field

  4. Select the folder you'd like to add the quick link to from the list presented

  5. Confirm your selection by clicking 'Add'

  6. You can now access the selected folder, and the quick link to the report will display in it

  7. Clicking the quick link will take you back to the Tracker page and display the report based on the settings you previously used

FAQ & Troubleshooting the Team Tracker

🙋🏿‍♂️ I can't see anything in / classes are missing from my Team Tracker!

First, use the Team Management section to confirm that all teachers are showing correctly in your organization. Any teachers who are "invited" instead of "verified" will need to accept their invitation to the School & District licensed organization in order to use all the features!

If all teachers are correctly associated with your org, verify that their classes are also correctly associated:

Teachers are prompted to select the grade, subject, and org when creating a class in Formative. If they did not add an org, or added the wrong one, they can fix this on the "Classes" tab by selecting a class, clicking "Edit", and choosing the correct team under "Org".

🙋🏼 My teachers have added their org but I still can't see anything in my Team Tracker. What am I missing?

Make sure that you have adjusted the Date Range filter to the date range containing the formatives you want to track. The tracker filters by most recent submission and defaults to the last 14 days.

Co-teachers will not appear in the tracker, even if they have created and/or assigned formatives. Anything assigned by co-teachers will show under the primary teacher for the class in your tracker. This helps prevent duplication of class data when viewing the tracker.

If a teacher has created or assigned formatives, but they have not yet been submitted and graded, the teacher's name will not show up in the tracker. Once the assignments have been submitted (or force submitted) and graded, the teacher's name will appear with the scores.

Progress - Standards Progress Over Time (SPOT)

While the Team Tracker's Standards view provides an overview of your students and teachers performance on standards at any given moment, on specific formatives; the Progress section allows for a more in-depth look on their progress on standards over time!

Standards Progress will present trends in relation to former semesters and even years, and will allow you to create in-depth reports.

How to Use the Standards Progress Over Time Report

The Standards Progress Over Time (SPOT) report is a valuable way to analyze student and teacher progress when responding to different question types and tasks tagged to your standards. Because Formative is an instructional tool, consider how teachers are using the tool in their classroom when viewing responses. The data shown on this report provides you with a lens through which you can view understanding and progress based on questions that are asked by the teacher on an individual student level, an individual class level, or an individual teacher level , but we recommend that this report be used as one of multiple measures of student progress.

Filtering Standards Progress by individual students

In the Progress section:

  1. Checkmark "student"

  2. Choose the individual student from the drop down menu

  3. Adjust the date range for the report

  4. You can also filter the results by specific classes the student is a member of

  5. Checkmark "Show archived classes" to include data from classes that have already been archived

  6. Click "Run Report.

The report will be presented on the right side of the screen.

Filtering progress by teacher or class

In the Progress section:

  1. checkmark "teacher"

  2. Choose the individual teacher from the drop down menu

  3. Filter data by date range and classes (you can choose individual classes or multiple classes)

  4. Checkmark "Show archived classes" to pull data from classes that have already been archived

  5. Click "Run Report"

The report will be presented on the right side of the screen.

Filtering progress by org / team

In the Progress section:

  1. checkmark "org / team"

  2. Choose the org / team from the drop down menu

  3. Filter data by date range

  4. Click "Run Report"

The report will be presented on the right side of the screen.

Generated reports

On the report generated, you will see a list of all the standards the teacher(s) tagged on formatives that fit your filters.

In the example below, a report was generated to view all standards tagged to formatives that were assign to one of the teacher's classes in the last half year:

Understanding the presented data

# Graded Questions:

Any questions tagged to a standard that have both a student response and a grade.

Selected Date Average:

A teacher or student's number of total points awarded divided by the number of all possible points for all questions associated with a particular standard during the selected date range.


How a teacher or student's average on the last 25% of total possible points on a standard compares to their average on the first 75% of total possible points during the selected date range.

For example: If a teacher's average on the last 25% of total possible points on standard "ELA.1.R.1" is higher than their average on the first 75% of total possible points, that teacher is trending upwards on standard "ELA.1.R.1".

Uncover additional layers of data in your report

Click the down carats to the left of each standard to drill down into sub-standards data.

Click on the far right carat to pull up a more in-depth view of the specific standard or sub-standard chosen.

From the in-depth view, you can see how a class or a group of classes by the same teacher averaged on each standard or sub-standard on specific dates. Under each date you will see a summary of how many questions were tagged to that specific standard or sub-standard at that time.

Click the carat to the left of the date, or the respective bar within the chart, to reveal the list of formatives in which the teacher has tagged that standard or sub-standard that were submitted on that date.

Click a formative's title to open it in a new window. This is a great tool to look at the specific questions and responses on those formatives to inform yourself of any instructional corrections needed.

Set a reference line by entering a number into the box below the bar graph for a visual of how students, classes or teachers are doing compared to any baseline, such as instructional goals, school averages, or district averages.

FAQ & Troubleshooting SPOT

🙋🏻‍♀️ Why don’t I see any data on these reports?

Has the teacher tagged formative questions to standards? Data on this report is drawn from standards that have been tagged to individual formative questions. If teachers have not added a standards set and tagged questions to standards, or if a student has not taken any formatives that have standards tagged, no data will appear.

🙋🏽 Why does the data shown seem so erratic?

If your data are not continually trending in the same direction for students, consider the following:

  • What question types are being used? Different question types may make it easier for students to answer correctly.

  • What Depth of Knowledge (DOK) level are the questions being asked each time? (If some questions are on different DOK levels than others, students may not have success at the same rates.)

  • Is the student receiving feedback during instruction? (Live feedback allows student misunderstandings to be addressed before gaps in learning are cemented.)

  • Is the student reaching out to the teacher in-app when they are confused? (Formative allows for students to initiate a conversation live with the teacher if they do not understand a concept or question.)

Teachers Report

View activity and tracker for each teacher across your organization, and access their classes and formatives. You will be able to perform different actions within these, including transferring ownership of classes from one teacher to another.

Search and Filter

Go to the Teachers Report section and a full list of teachers in your organization will appear on the left side of the screen. For each teacher you willsee an overview of the amount of formatives assigned by the teacher and when they were last seen in the system.

Using the buttons at the top right corner you can sort the overview list at your convenience by name, by amount of formatives created or by most recently seen. You can further filter your results to specific teams, subjects, grades, and status.

You can also use the search bar to locate an individual teacher by name. Simply start typing in and click Entr/Return to bring up the search results (to go back to the full list, delete the keywords you entered previously into the search bar and click "Entr/Return" again)

View & Act on Individual Teacher Reports

Click on an individual teacher's name to bring up their individual report on the right side panel, with a list of all the formatives they have created, and performance data for the ones that were assigned and have student responses in them.

From here you can:

  • View the Teacher's Tracker:
    Click the blue "View Tracker" button at the bottom of the page to access the teacher's tracker data

  • View the teacher's Formatives:
    Click on any of the formatives listed to view the formative itself - both the "Edit" version and the Responses page

  • Add/Remove collaborators or Transfer ownership on the teacher's Formatives
    Click on any of the formatives listed to view the formative. Click on the triple dot menu to open the "Share" modal, then click on "Edit collaborators" to reveal the full list of collaborators added to the formative. As an Admin you will have the option to add/remove collaborators on the formative as well as transfer the ownership of the formative to one of the collaborators.

  • View and Manage the teacher's Classes:
    Click on "View X Classes" to view the teacher's classes page where you can view and manage their rosters (to include adding and removing students), add or remove co-teachers, edit class details, and transfer ownership of the class to another co-teacher.

  • View Teacher Activity:
    Click on "View Activity" to pull up a list of the teacher's activity within the last 14 days. You will be able to see timestamped data on which formatives were assigned to each class, formatives or folders that were moved, which student responses were removed by the teacher, and which student submissions were undone to allow re-takes

  • Change the teacher's role or team:
    Click on the dropdown next to the organization you'd like to change the teacher's role in and choose between Admin, Teacher or Org Manager. From here you can also move the teacher to a different team within your organization or remove them from the team entirely

  • Log the teacher out of their Formative login sessions:
    Click on the triple dot menu next to the teacher's name to log them out of all active login sessions within Formative.

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