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Student Groups (Beta)

Create student groups inside any class for ease of assigning and differentiating

Neta Raz Studnitski avatar
Written by Neta Raz Studnitski
Updated over a week ago

What Are Student Groups?

Teachers can divide students in a class to groups based on their performance, and use these set groups to quickly assign formatives to the selected students within them.

Since Student Groups are performance based, at least one formative needs to have been assigned to a class and the students must have submitted it, in order to create the groups.

Note: Student Groups will be titled according to your account's Thresholds category names. If you haven't named your Thresholds categories yet, please head over to your account's Settings page to do so.

Create Student Groups

To create Student Groups within a class:

  1. From the assigned and completed formative, navigate to the Insights tab.

  2. Select a class from the dropdown menu at the top of the screen

  3. Click on 'Create Student Groups (Beta)' below the thresholds distribution of the Overall Performance section

  4. A confirmation banner will appear at the bottom of your screen once the Student Groups have been created

Edit or Delete Student Groups

Once the Student Groups have been created, teachers can edit or delete them at their preference. As students performance changes over time, teachers can move students from one group to another, and even completely remove student groups that are no longer needed. Editing or deleting Student Groups is done on the Class Management page

  1. Click on 'Classes' from the left side menu

  2. Locate and click on the desired class' tile

  3. On the Class Management page, click on the tab 'Student Groups (Beta)'

  4. Click the carat at the far right of the grouping's tile to expand the full list

  5. To move students from one group to another:

    1. Check-mark the box(es) next to the student(s) name(s)

    2. Click 'Move' at the bottom of the screen

    3. Select the new group from the presented list

    4. Click 'Move'

    5. A confirmation banner will appear at the bottom of the screen and the student will now appear under the new group

  6. To delete the Student Groups

    1. Check-mark he box at the far left of the grouping tile

    2. Select 'Delete' at the bottom of the screen

    3. Click 'Proceed' to confirm the deletion

Assign to Student Groups

Once Student Groups have been created within a class, any formative can be assigned to one group (or more) by utilizing the 'Assign to Student Groups' assign setting:

  1. Click on 'Assign' at the top of the formative

  2. Click the carat to the left of the class' name

  3. Scroll down to the 'Students Management' section

  4. Click the carat to the left of 'Assign to Student Groups'

  5. Expand the list of groups and check-mark the desired one(s)

  6. Click 'Assign' >> the formative will now be assigned only to the students within the selected group(s)

  7. To change the selected assigned groups, click back into the assign settings window by repeating the steps above, check-mark additional group(s) to add them to the assignment or un-check group(s) to remove them from the assignment, and click 'Update' to confirm

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