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Standard Progress Over Time (School & District Feature)
Standard Progress Over Time (School & District Feature)

Learn how to review and pull reports on standard progress over time for your students and teachers!

Neta Raz Studnitski avatar
Written by Neta Raz Studnitski
Updated over a week ago

What is this?

While the Tracker provides an overview of your students performance on standards at any given moment, the Progress section within the "Reports" page (or within the "Admin" tab for org admins) allows for a more in-depth look on both their progress on standards over time as well as yours!

Standards Progress will present trends in relation to former semesters and even years, and will allow you to create in-depth reports.

How to Use the Standards Progress Over Time Report

The Standards Progress Over Time (SPOT) report is a valuable way to analyze student, teacher, school, or district progress when responding to different question types and tasks tagged to your standards. The data shown on this report provides you with a lens through which you can view student understanding and progress based on questions that are asked by the teacher, but we recommend that this report be used as one of multiple measures of student progress.

Filtering Standards Progress by individual students

In the Progress tab:

  1. Checkmark "student"

  2. Choose the individual student from the drop down menu

  3. Adjust the date range for the report

  4. You can also filter the results by specific classes the student is a member of

  5. Checkmark "Show archived classes" to include data from classes that have already been archived

  6. Click "Run Report.

The report will be presented on the right side of the screen:

Filtering progress by teacher

NOTE: If you're a teacher, you will only be able to see this report for yourself. If you're an admin, you will be able to filter and view reports for each of the teachers in your team by accessing the Progress section in your Admin tab (click "Admin" on the left side menu and then choose "Progress" from the sections at the top of the page).

In the Progress tab:

  1. checkmark "teacher"

  2. Filter data by date range and classes

  3. Checkmark "Show archived classes" to pull data from classes that have already been archived

  4. Click "Run Report"

The report will be presented on the right side of the screen:

Here is what that looks like from the Admin tab view:

Generated reports

On the report generated, you will see a list of all the standards you've tagged on formatives that fit your filters.

In the example below, a report was generated to view all standards tagged to formatives that were assign to one of the teacher's classes in the last half year:

Understanding the presented data

# Graded Questions:

Any questions tagged to a standard that have both a student response and a grade.

Selected Date Average:

A teacher or student's number of total points awarded divided by the number of all possible points for all questions associated with a particular standard during the selected date range.


How a teacher or student's average on the last 25% of total possible points on a standard compares to their average on the first 75% of total possible points during the selected date range.

For example: If a teacher's average on the last 25% of total possible points on standard "ELA.1.R.1" is higher than their average on the first 75% of total possible points, that teacher is trending upwards on standard "ELA.1.R.1".

Uncover additional layers of data in your report

Click the down carats to the left of each standard to drill down into sub-standards data.

Click on the far right carat to pull up a more in-depth view of the specific standard or sub-standard chosen.

From the in-depth view, you can see how your class averaged on each standard or sub-standard on specific dates. Under each date you will see a summary of how many questions were tagged to that specific standard or sub-standard at that time.

Click the carat to the left of the date, or the respective bar within the chart, to reveal the list of formatives in which you have tagged that standard or sub-standard that were submitted on that date.

Click a formative's title to open it in a new window. This is a great tool to look at the specific questions and responses on those formatives to inform yourself of any instructional corrections needed.

Set a reference line by entering a number into the box below the bar graph for a visual of how your students are doing compared to any baseline, such as instructional goals, school averages, or district averages.

Note: Admins will access the Progress report from the Admin dashboard, where the ability to search for teachers by name is available

FAQs & Troubleshooting

🙋🏽Why don’t I see any data on these reports?

Has the teacher tagged formative questions to standards? Data on this report is drawn from standards that have been tagged to individual formative questions. If teachers have not added a standards set and tagged questions to standards, or if a student has not taken any formatives that have standards tagged, no data will appear.

🙋🏽‍♀️ Why does the data shown seem so erratic?

If your data are not continually trending in the same direction for students, consider the following:

  • What question types are being used? Different question types may make it easier for students to answer correctly.

  • What Depth of Knowledge (DOK) level are the questions being asked each time? (If some questions are on different DOK levels than others, students may not have success at the same rates.)

  • Is the student receiving feedback during instruction? (Live feedback allows student misunderstandings to be addressed before gaps in learning are cemented.)

  • Is the student reaching out to the teacher in-app when they are confused? (Formative allows for students to initiate a conversation live with the teacher if they do not understand a concept or question.)

What's Next?

Check out our professionally curated Item Bank (Add-on) for thousands of questions that are already tagged to core standards and DOKs!

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