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Formative Updates January 2023
Formative Updates January 2023
Neta Raz Studnitski avatar
Written by Neta Raz Studnitski
Updated over 2 years ago

Enhancement releases from January 2023

  • Teachers can now select multiple Formatives in the Tracker filter- this is great for seeing growth in pre-, mid- and post-tests.

  • We updated the show your work toolbar to show which tools are active.

  • Response Frequency Charts-Clicking the new 'Frequency' tab will change the view from student response cards to an aggregate chart of student response data. The chart separates responses from different classes using color coding, identifies the correct answer with a green check and shows response detail in a hover tooltip. More info in this help article

  • Updated Response Card UI- This facelift highlights our batch scoring selector by adding a checkbox at the top right corner of the card and it repositions the grade indicator to the bottom right.

  • Updated Demographic buttons- to make demographics data more visible, the class total score will now have a blue outline to indicate clickability.

  • We added the 'Assign' option into the dropdown for a formative in the recent formatives shelf.

  • We now have the 'Import class' option on the dashboard class shelf and will redirect users to the classes page when adding a class from the dashboard.

  • We will now send a verification email when a teacher signs up for a new account. Clicking the link in the email, will take them to a verification page and if email is not verified, a banner will appear in the home page at the top.

  • To reduce the instances of teachers losing Guest data, we updated the Unassign Modal copy to explain "Unassign from guest students only if mistakenly assigned. Unassigning will result in losing guest student responses, which cannot be recovered. To prevent data loss, close the assignment."

  • We have enabled text-to-speech to read parentheses which will be especially helpful for math questions that involve order of operations.

  • Drag and drop's draggable choices received some UI updates:

    • Top aligning drag handle and delete action (if available)

    • Choices with images are moved into a new row below drag handle and delete action

  • Teachers who are Collaborators on a formative will see avatars of others collabs when they are in the formative in real-time! Gain quick access to add and view collaborators on a formative by clicking on the avatar.

  • Stuck on a question? Need a lifeline? How about a HINT??! We have enabled the trial of Formative Hints. Teachers can enter a hint and students can choose view it or not. Learn more in this Help article

  • We returned the notification bell to top right of formative nav bar and removed the notification count from the nav hamburger menu.

  • Teachers will again see both a join code a a separate join url to allow students to join their class.

  • We have added paused indicator to formative list to complete the full list of statuses.

  • We have added logic to not report "Copied Text" if student is copying and pasting text that the previously wrote themselves.

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