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Navigating the Tracker

For teachers to see their students' progress on assignments

Neta Raz Studnitski avatar
Written by Neta Raz Studnitski
Updated over a month ago

Note: There is a different tracker for School & District licensed org administrators to view progress for every teacher and class. For that article, click here.

Access the student growth tracker

To access the student growth tracker, click "Reports" on the left side menu, and then choose the Tracker tab at the top of the screen.

Tracker Functions

The list below will guide you through the different elements displyed on the Tracker tab, and the functionality available with each of the action buttons:

View by Formatives or Standards (1)

Click on the corresponding action button to switch between viewing your students' performance on formatives or your students' performance on tagged standards

Filter Results (2 / 5)

Click on the Filters button to define your tracker's view range by adjusting the date last answered. From there, you can further filter by:

  • Class(es): when selecting a specific class, you can further narrow down the view results by Grade level and Subject tagged to the class;

  • Folder(s): when selecting a specific folder, the tracker will display all the formatives nested within this folder (in correspondence with all the other filters applied to the view);

  • Formative(s): when selecting a specific formative, you can further narrow down the view results by the tags added to the specific formative selected - grade, subject, academic year, and formative type.

  • Student Demographics: if your district has opted into sharing this information with Formative, you will be able to filter results by your students' race and gender

Each of the filters chosen will then appear above the tracker display. You can click on the pencil icon next to each indication to adjust the range or remove the filter.

Note: The default time range filter is set to the last 14 days. Free Teacher plan or Paid Teacher plan subscribers can only view results from this time range. Only School & District licensed members can adjust the time range of this filter.

Display Overall Performance (3)

This area will display the overall performance for the class(es) chosen.

Sort Results (4)

Click the sorting display button to define both the order students will appear (by name or by score) and the order the formatives will appear (by title or by date answered)

Adjust General Settings (6)

Click into the general settings menu for the following options:

  1. Toggle on "Show Archived students" if you'd like to include results by students who were archived from your existing class(es) in the data

  2. Toggle on "Show Archived Sections" if you'd like to include results for classes that are no longer active on your account and have been archived

  3. Toggle on "Hide Names" if presenting this page to hide student names for privacy reasons

Export (7)

Click the "Export" button to export the data presented as a CSV/Spreadsheet or as a Google Sheet (more details on this functionality here)

Track Student Performance

By formatives

When displaying results by Formatives (top left), click on individual student names to view their overall performance on all assignments. The data will open in a right-side panel (which you can enlarge to full screen). A list of the formatives will be organized in this panel by score thresholds and color-coded accordingly:

**Note: Students who have not taken a formative yet will have a blank score in the Tracker.

By standards

You can select "Standards" to see how students performed against the standards tagged in the assignments. To do so, click on "Standards" (top left), expand the standards by clicking on the carats to see the sub-standards in detail if you want, and then click the student's name. The side panel will open up again, this time presenting the list of standards organized by score thresholds and color-coded accordingly:

Score Calculation

The Student Growth Tracker is a great tool to measure student progress over time so it is helpful to understand how the scores are calculated.

To calculate the scores, we sum up all the points that were awarded to the answers (=points earned), and we sum up all the points available for those answers (the point value on the questions = points possible) and divide the former by the latter.

For example, let's say a student completes just one formative with two questions. Question one is worth five points. Question two is worth ten points. The student get two points on the first question and six points on the second. Their score for that formative is as follows: (2 + 6)/(5 + 10) = 8/15 = 53%.

When multiple formatives are being calculated, all questions are considered and basically treated as if they were one big formative. For example, let's add a formative to our previous example. This formative has one question worth five points and the student earned four points. This student's overall grade is now as follows: (2 + 6 + 4)/(5 + 10 + 5) = 12/20 = 60%

This means that a formative or question with more available points will be weighted more heavily in the overall score.

NOTE: If a student did not submit the assignment, unanswered questions are not counted toward possible points. When the assignment is submitted with an unanswered question, it will then be counted towards the total possible points, reducing their score. Read about how to force submit a formative here.

If a teacher adds a new question at a later time that students did not answer, the tracker will not count the points for that question in their score.

Export Tracker Data

From the Tracker page, you can select the Export button located in the top right corner:

Once you select the button, a pop-up screen will appear for you to choose the content you would like to export. This can be done as a CSV/spreadsheet or a Google Sheet. You can choose to export all rows or only the rows you have expanded, and choose the layout of the export (Score Grid or Table).

When selecting Download as CSV/Spreadsheet, it will download directly to your computer.

If you select Google Sheets, you will be directed to choose the email associated with your account and then you will be prompted to your Google Sheets page.


When you export your formative results you'll be able to see the standards you've tagged to your questions! Read more about adding standards and tagging them in this help article.

Add Quick Link to Tracker Report


If you run the same tracker report repeatedly you can add a quick link to a specific report (along with the settings defined on it) to any folder in your account.

To add a quick link:

  1. Run the report as listed above

  2. Then, click on 'Add Quick Link' from the menu at the top of the page

  3. Give the report a title by typing it into the top text field

  4. Select the folder you'd like to add the quick link to from the list presented

  5. Confirm your selection by clicking 'Add'

  6. You can now access the selected folder, and the quick link to the report will display in it

  7. Clicking the quick link will take you back to the Tracker page and display the report based on the settings you previously used

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