Enhancement releases from November 2022
We've improved user ability to edit sections with...
Added the ability to merge a Section of questions in a formative into the previous section
Added ability to dissolve sections from the menu on the first section.
We continue our march towards accessibility by adding a Skip Link for students who are using keyboard tabbing. The Skip Link choice allows users to bypass the Progress bar and to move to the first question.
We have updated some UI elements of the classes pages by:
Replacing class checkboxes with an accordion dropdown
Adding the student count to the sub-title
Updating the Add Student icon
Replacing the settings gear with a 3-dot menu
We've Renamed "Suggested Formatives" to "Recent Formatives" on the Dashboard.
Rich text images can now be zoomed, this also allow teachers to see the image zoom feature in the teacher preview.
We have organized the search by standard feature in the item bank by grouping together standards that belong to the same set.
We've added the following subjects to class options
Special Education
Double Science
Design Technology
English Literature
We have changed our instant scoring ("Return scores -> Instantly") to not show a student their score until they've clicked a "Check Answer" button. Number of attempts will be recorded both for students and for teachers.
We have updated inline choice questions to include the math keyboard as an answer choice option.
We updated the student progress bar so that the hover tooltips show the question's status (complete, incorrect, correct, partial credit, error, or required) rather than the item number.
We have disabled the ability for "Assign Only" collaborators to access sharing for CA formatives and folders.
We have made it optional to show data from archived students on the view responses page to allow teachers a more robust view of class data.
We have restored the ability for teachers to toggle archived students on and off from the View Responses page.
We have improved the keyboard accessibility for dropdown menus; users can Tab to them, Space/Enter to open, arrow through the options, and Space/Enter to select options .
We've consolidated Sharing Functionality | Add Send a Copy to Overflow.
We have improved the time limit assign setting by ensuring that the timer does not continue if the assign setting is switched from Student- to Teacher-Paced mode.
We added a password score to the add students and reset password in the classes page
We will now allow students to zoom in on show your work entries even when the formative is in a read-only state.
We have updated the teacher preview to include the image zoom feature.
We will prevent passwords from containing user info or certain words. This will enhance site security for all users.
The Student Submission Banner has been updated to a green, longer design, in place of the former red one.
Teachers can now Cancel student invites to classes by selecting the user and choosing "remove invite". This is particularly helpful if teacher has entered incorrect user info.
We have updated Rubric UI so that Students will see a button link next to the feedback option in the Student action bar.
Spell check has been added to formative title and instructions.