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Numeric question (Paid Teacher / School & District Feature)
Numeric question (Paid Teacher / School & District Feature)

Allow your students to answer using our built-in equation editor!

Neta Raz Studnitski avatar
Written by Neta Raz Studnitski
Updated over 2 months ago


While you can add math features to any question type or answer choice using the + icon within the question and answer choices, the Numeric question type allows your students to respond using the same equation editor.

Add a Numeric question:

  1. Click on the blue + button

  2. Choose "Numeric" from the Question types

  3. Type your question

  4. Set your answer key for auto-grading using the equation editor:

Tip: You can highlight text to make fractions, sub/superscripts and other formatting options. You can click the + sign next to your question to use our built-in equation editor within the question too.

There are many more functions you can create using the LaTeX math keyboard and calculator. Check out the list of supported functions here.

When an answer key is set, auto-grading will require the student's response to be exactly the same as the answer key, with the exception of extra spaces. Auto-grading will automatically ignore any extra spaces the student may have entered and they will have no affect on the score.

Integrated Calculator Experience (Paid Teacher / School & District feautre)

Paid Teacher plan subscribers and members of School & District licensed organizations will have the option to turn on access to an integrated calculator for their students to use. Click here for full details!

Adjust question settings

Toggle on the question settings to your preference, you can also add hints for your students, and tag your question to standards.

Case Sensitive

when this is toggled on, auto-grading will only count the student's answer as correct if they provide an answer identical to your answer key, including usage of upper or lower letters.

Students will not be able to submit their work without providing an answer

Switch scoring method for this question from auto-grading to a rubric based grading.

Add a whiteboard style box for your students to showcase their work

Allow Partial Credit (Paid Teacher / School & District feature only)

Give point values to answers that are on the right track! This grading is designed to support your students' learning journey by encouraging and allowing more accurate feedback. Check mark this option, and then head back to your previously entered answer choices to fill out the point value you'd like to award to each one of them

If you toggle on "Partial Match" you will have the ability to take auto-grading up a notch by allowing your students to get credit for using alternative responses of basic numeric equivalencies and equivalent units, i.e. accepting different "Unit Syntax" (comparable units) as correct.

Partial Match will compare the unit entered into your answer key with the unit entered by your student. If the two are equivalent, the student's answer will be marked as correct.

In order to be recognized by the unit system, an answer must be either

  • A number followed by a unit, or

  • A currency symbol followed by a number

A unit is either a single word like "meters" or "kg", or a combination of such words, like "m/s", "ft lbs", or even "meters per second squared".

Below you can find a table listing all equivalent unit syntax.

  • All units in the Alternatives column are treated as equivalent. For all SI units, additional prefixed entries are added for each SI prefix. That is, in addition to the "meter, meters, ..., m" row, you should imagine rows for "millimeter, millimeters, ..., mm", "centimeter, centimeters, ..., cm", ..., "kilometer, kilometers, ..., km", etc.

  • Proper pluralization is not enforced: "1 grams" is treated the same as "1 gram", and "2000 foot" is treated the same as "2000 feet".

  • Letter-case is ignored except when dealing with SI unit abbreviations, in which case it is significant. For instance, "milligrams", "Milligrams", and even "miLLiGRAms" are all treated as the same, but "mg" and "Mg" are not.




meter, meters, metre, metres, m


kilometer, kilometers, kilometre, kilometres, km, kilos

centimeter, centimeters, centimetre, centimetres, cm

inch, inches, in

foot, feet, ft

yard, yards, yds, yd

mile, miles, mi

Mass, weight

gram, grams, gramme, grammes, g


kilogram, kilograms, kilogramme, kilogrammes, kg

pound, pounds, lbs, lb

tons, tonne, tonnes, ton

Duration, time

second, seconds, s


minute, minutes, mins, min

h, hrs, hour, hours, hr

days, day

weeks, week

months, month

years, year


L, liter, liters, litre, litres, l


ounce, ounces, oz

cup, cups, cps, cp

pint, pints, pts, pt

quart, quarts, qts, qt

gallon, gallons, gals, gal


kelvin, K


celsius, degC

fahrenheit, degF


mole, moles, mol

Force, energy, power

newton, newtons, N


dyne, dynes, dyn

joule, joules, J


watt, watts, W


horsepower, hp


pascal, pascals, Pa


Misc. electricity and magnetism

amp, amps, ampere, amperes, A


coulomb, coulombs, C


volt, volts, V


ohm, ohms, Ω


farad, farads, F


weber, webers, Wb


tesla, teslas, T


henry, henries, H


siemens, S



dollars, dollar (or a prefix $)

Geometry (and temperature)

degrees, degree (or degree symbol)

radian, radians, rad


🙋🏻‍♀️ Numeric input is not displaying as expected when using the device's keyboard or the in-app keyboard. My students and/or I need to press the same symbol twice, or the symbols are not looking as they should

Please follow the steps below, in order of appearance. After each step check the numeric input again to see if resolved:

  1. Verify the browser used is updated to the most recent version

  2. Clear Cache & Cookies

  3. Ensure all pop-up blockers, ad-blockers, or 3rd party blockers are disabled on the browser

  4. Check installed extensions for possible interference and disable the culprit while using Formative. A common culprit is the Chrome extension 'Read&Write - if it's installed on the browser please disable it while using Formative.

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