What is Game Paced Mode?
Formative's traditional Assign format allows for self-paced lessons and assessments that provide real-time data, so teachers can send immediate feedback, and Teacher-Paced Mode enabled teachers to present and control the pace of questions so the whole class can progress together. With Game Paced Mode, your students will compete in a live game based challenge, while you monitor their progress on your Game Mode leaderboard.
Opt-in to Beta
Head over to your account's Settings page and toggle on "New Game Paced - Champion Challenge" under Beta features:
Now, you're ready to get starte!
Step 1: Create your lesson/assessment
Open one of your existing formative assignments, build a new one from scratch by adding content, questions, or uploading existing materials, or grab a copy of a pre-made formative from the Library tab.
Note: At this time Game Paced mode support only the following question types as stand-alone questions (i.e. the questions can not be added as an enhancement to content type):
Multiple Choice
Multiple Selection
Short Answer
Formatives which contain any other question types will not be supported by Game Paced Mode and it will not launch. Additionally, Show Your Work boxes and Images are not supported in Game Paced Mode and will be disabled during this experience.
Step 2: Present to your students
Click the 'Present' button at the top right corner of your screen.
Select Game Paced mode
Click into the "Select a Class" field on the right side settings panel. A list of all your classes will appear in a dropdown menu. Any classes this formative is currently actively assigned to (either in Student-Paced or Teacher-Paced modes) will be listed at the top of the list. Below will appear all the classes this formative is not currently assigned to
Locate the class you would like to present to at this time and click on its' title
Proceed to adjust the Game Settings:
Toggle on Sound if you'd like your students to enjoy a background audio theme
Define a Game Duration. Your students will be limited to the specified time to complete their game. You can select between 5 minutes, 10 minutes or 15 minutes. Alternatively, leave this setting on "No Limit" if you prefer not limiting the duration of the game at all
Returning scores and correct answers in Game Paced Mode is set to Instantly by default. This is required for the Game Paced mode to operate in its' optimal state
When you are ready, click "Launch" at the bottom of the right side panel
Step 3: Open Game Mode Lobby
From here you will be directed to the Game Mode Lobby, which will launch in a new tab.
Join Instructions for students will display on the screen. For students in a class, you can provide your students with the title of the formative to access from within their own Formative accounts or send them a direct link.
Guest students, on the other hand, will have the option to join the Game Paced formative either by using a join-code, or scanning a QR code with their device's camera.
Step 4: Adjust Settings
If needed, click the Gear icon in the bottom right corner to adjust your previously selected settings. Once the preferred settings have been selected, click "Apply".
Step 5: Check who joined the session
On the right side panel of the lobby screen you will be presented with a list of all the students in your assigned class. A live-presence indicator on the student's initials/avatar will turn green when the student joins the session. If the live-presence indicator is gray, it means the student has not joined yet.
If you've assigned to Guest Students, you will see the names of the guests who have joined appearing on the right side panel along with the live-presence indicator.
Step 6: Start the Game Challenge!
When you are ready to begin presenting, simply click "Start Game Mode". The Game's Leaderboard view will open. This is where you can view and monitor your students' progress. Data points presented will be:
Class Average
Average Time
Student Progress:
What they have completed thus far
Time Remaining
View / Display Responses & Frequency Charts
From the Leadership Board view, click on the Responses icon at the bottom right of the screen
The formative's Responses page will open in a new tab
Click on a student's name to see an overview of all their responses in a right-side panel, or
Click on a question's number at the top of the score grid to view a gallery of all the student responses to this question
Switch between 'Responses' and 'Frequency Chart' for your preferred view
Pause the session
Click the 'Pause' button at the bottom of the page to pause the Game for your students, the button will change to read 'Resume' and you will click on it again to release the pause and allow students to resume the Game.
End the session
Once you have finished presenting, click on 'End Session' and select 'Return to Lobby':
The Student Experience
Students accessing the formative in Game Paced Mode will land on the Start page first, where they can view the title of the formative, their current progress and some additional Game tips.
If you selected to enable sound, your students will hear the game's background music, however they can click on the 'Volume' button at the top right corner of the screen at any point during the game to turn the music off.
Clicking 'Start Match' will launch the game. Students will be presented with one question at a time. Once they have entered their response they will click on 'Next' to check their answer and move on to the next one.
The progress bar at the top of the screen will display their progress as well as color-coded success - Green for a correct answer and Red for an incorrect answer.
When students have completed a Game Mode round, they will be presented with a Game Summary page, where they can view:
How they scored in the game
List of the top 3 performers in the game
Their placement on the leaderboard
Their answers and performance on each of the questions