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Grab & Edit Pre-Made Formatives from Our Library
Grab & Edit Pre-Made Formatives from Our Library

Access and copy ready-to-use content made by our amazing educators!

Rebecca Worden avatar
Written by Rebecca Worden
Updated over 4 months ago

Grab pre-made content

You can easily grab pre-made content made by other users from the library. Since it would be your own copy, you can do anything with it! you can edit it, assign it, and even delete it. It will not affect the original. 

  1. From your Dashboard, click on the 'Library' tab.

2. You can filter by Author (to find your own published Formatives), Star Rating, Type, Grade, Subject, and Standard. You can also search the Formative library by LANGUAGE! We currently have the option to filter by French, Spanish, Turkish, and Dutch (Flemish).

3. Once you find a formative you like, hovering over the title will preview the formative on the right-side panel (if the listing is a bundle, the right-side panel will present the list of formatives included in the bundle).

4. To add a bundle or the formative to your personal list of formatives, you can either click on the + icon next to the title of your choice, or click the blue "Add to my formatives list" button at the bottom of the right-side panel (if you're previewing a bundle, this button will give you the option to save all the formatives included with one click)

You can also click on the title itself to expand the preview window to full screen. If choosing this option, simply click the blue "Add this formative" button at the top right corner to add it to your personal list of formatives.

Tagging to standards

If the library items have been tagged to standards by their creator, these standards will show within the listing along with a brief description upon hovering. Once you add the formative to your account you will be prompted to Add or Dismiss the standards.

5. Once the formative or bundle has been added, click on the green "Go to your new Formative" or "View Your New Bundle" button at the bottom of the screen, depending on what library listing you have chosen.

A green check mark will be listed next to any Formative/Bundle you have downloaded, so don't worry if you can't remember which ones you've already downloaded

Note: If your default language is French, Spanish, or Dutch - the library will default to show you formatives in your language first.

*You can also rate Formatives by selecting the appropriate amount of stars

Additionally, you can send links to lessons found in our library. Feel free to click any of these popular share links to immediately add the following Formative bundles directly to your Formative account!

Recommended Library Resources

Math - Open Up Resources Share Link
Complete Folder FJMD9V
6th Grade XNXW3K
7th Grade VCLB4X
8th Grade 2NX3QQ

Math - Illustrative Mathematics Share Link
Complete Folder RQPTBD
Algebra 1 L55U6M
Algebra 2 67M3C2
Geometry 3G7AY7

Math - MARS Tasks Share Link
Complete Folder WKNMJD
Middle School 9J2GLC
High School DPSXPB

Math - MARS Lessons Share Link
Complete Folder F3RVFZ
6th Grade K9KXSY
7th Grade G7UXUE
8th Grade GKV29H
High School 9DX9YE

Math - EngageNY Share Link
Complete Folder XXWSL7
Kindergarten YU552J
1st Grade HYZF7A
2nd Grade LRC9HA
3rd Grade 3M296J
4th Grade 3MCBAD
5th Grade 57WFYG
6th Grade J2AUV2
7th Grade RYR7SC
8th Grade 3LHFVB
High School UY7YQE

ELA - Open Up Resources Share Link
Complete Folder KLAJPF
1st Grade FD2E9L
2nd Grade FYQ9PV
3rd Grade NH77JJ
4th Grade T4XXWC
5th Grade UUC52G
6th Grade RJEVBL
7th Grade FVBAM2
8th Grade USEKR3

ELA - EL Education Share Link
Complete Folder NQAQ6E
Kindergarten DH3N8P
1st Grade 9BDRC2
2nd Grade BL4G9N
3rd Grade 3WJCQE
4th Grade 3W82WB
5th Grade EDA5NZ

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