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View Formatives by Class

Get a filtered view of all formatives you assigned to a specific class!

Neta Raz Studnitski avatar
Written by Neta Raz Studnitski
Updated over 8 months ago

View Formatives by Class

With the new and improved Classes tab, teachers now have the ability to view lists of formatives by the class they were assigned to.

There are 2 pathways to view this class-specific formatives list:

Classes Tab pathway

  1. From your main "Classes" page, locate the class of your choice

  2. Click on the triple-dot menu at the top right corner of the Class tile

  3. Choose "View Formatives"

Student Management Page pathway

  1. From your main "Classes" page, click on the name of the class to navigate to the "Student Management" page

  2. Switch the tab from "Students" to "Formatives"

Sort and Search

The default order of the formatives list is descensding by most recently assigned. You can click on "Sort By" to sort by alphabetical order instead.

You can also enter keywords into the search field for a quicker access to specific formatives:

Formative Data Presented

You can find quick data points about each formative from this view. Each formative tile will indicate the following:

  1. The date the formative was assigned to this class

  2. Due date / time defined for this class (if applicable)

  3. How many students in this class have submitted the formative

  4. Whether the formative is open (lightning bolt icon for open in Student-paced mode, and presentation icon for open in Teacher-paced mode)

  5. Time Limit that was defined for this class (if applicable)

  6. If students are allowed to edit after submission

  7. Current class average score

Quick Access to Formative

Click on the formative tile to be quickly re-directed to the formative's Edit page, from which you can edit the assignment, view responses and send feedback to your students!

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