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View Student Activity

Find out exactly when and how your students are working in Formative.

Neta Raz Studnitski avatar
Written by Neta Raz Studnitski
Updated over 9 months ago

Formative offers teachers the ability to view students' activity within the last 90 days. Teachers can view general student activity (across all formatives), or activity that is specific to an individual formative assignment.

Available Activity Information

  • Student started answering a formative

  • Student answered a question

  • Student submitted a formative

You can even tell when a student answered a question that was later deleted by the teacher. The alert will look like this:

Viewing General Student Activity

There are two pathways to access the General Student Activity log:

Option 1: Accessing the Activity log from the Student Profile

  1. From the Student Management page, click on the carat to the far right of the student record to access the Student Profile page

  2. Click on "Activity" to view the Activity log

Option 2: Accessing the Activity log directly from the Student Management page

  1. From the Student Management page, chek mark the box next to the student's name

  2. Choose "Activity" from the menu at the bottom of the screen.

  3. You will navigate directly to the Activity log

Viewing Student Activity For a Specific Formative

To view student activity on a specific formative, start by navigating to the formative's Responses tab:

  1. From the formative's Responses tab, click on the student's name to expand the right-side responses panel

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the right-side responses panel and click the carat next to "Activity Logs"

  3. To exit the activity log, scroll to the top and click the carat next to "Activity Logs" again

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