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Set Formative Type

Organize your formatives by setting and tagging the type of assignment!

Neta Raz Studnitski avatar
Written by Neta Raz Studnitski
Updated over a week ago

You can enhance your search, sort, and filter abilities by setting a Formative type for each formative you create.

Set a formative type

  1. Open a formative

  2. Click on "Add Formative Tags" within the Formative's Header

  3. Click into the text field under "Type of Formative" and choose from the drop-down list

  4. The tag will be added to the formative. Click anywhere on the page to exit the tagging window

What types are there to choose from?

At this time, it is not possible to create your own types. You may choose from the following existing tags and labels.

  • assignment

  • benchmark

  • classwork

  • do now/warm-up

  • exit slip

  • homework

  • formative assessment

  • interventions

  • independent practice

  • lab

  • lesson

  • performance task

  • playlist

  • post-test

  • pre-assessment

  • pre-test

  • quiz

  • reflection

  • review

  • summative assessment

  • test/exam

  • tutorials

  • worksheet

  • writing portfolio

  • other

Filter items in your Tracker by type

  1. Click on "Reports" and choose "Tracker"

  2. Click on "Filters"

  3. Define your search parameters of date range, class, grade, or subject

  4. Choose the formative type from the dropdown list

  5. The tracker will immediately adjust to display only formatives of the type you chose that match the rest of the search parameters defined

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