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Filter and Sort Your Activities Tab
Neta Raz Studnitski avatar
Written by Neta Raz Studnitski
Updated over 3 months ago

Filter by Ownership

Use the ownership dropdown menu to filter your Activities tab by ownership, you can select to view activities (including practice sets, formatives of various types, and quick links) owned by anyone, only activities owned by you, or only activities that are owned by others and were shared with you:

Filter by Type

User the types dropdown menu to filter the list down by the type of activity, you can select to view one activity type only out of the dropdown menu, or to view all types.

Other Filters

Use the "Filters" dropdown menu to reveal additional filters as seen below. The dropdown will open as a right-side panel

By Assignment Status

Filter to only your assigned activities or only your unassigned activities:

By Academic Year

Filter by years tagged to the activities:

By Grades

Filter by grade levels tagged to the activities:

By Subjects

Filter by the subjects tagged to activities:

By Formative Types

Filter by the formative type tagged to the activity:

Filter by Common Assessments (Gold plan)

Filter to view only activities tagged as Common Assessments (Gold feature)

Sort activities by date or in alphabetical order

On your "Activities" page use the sorting drop down menu:

Search by title

Type keywords into the search bar to locate activities by title:

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