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Student Home Page

Get acquainted with the new home page for students!

Neta Raz Studnitski avatar
Written by Neta Raz Studnitski
Updated over 10 months ago

The Home Page

Please note that if your school uses a system like Google Classroom, Blackbaud, etc you will most likely access your Formative assignments through those platforms instead of directly through Formative. Check with your teacher for guidance!

The home page is divided into two main sections: Classes and Formatives.

Classes Section

When logged into Formative, your home page will display the classes you are a member of. By default the classes displayed on your home page will be only classes that had activity (a formative assigned) in them in the last 3 months. If a class had no activity for the last 3 months it will be hidden from view, though if you need to view data from your inactive classes, you could click on the gear icon (settings) at the top right corner of the screen and then click "show inactive classes" to display a list of them on the home screen as well.

By default the home screen will show up to eight classes, if you are enrolled in additional active classes, click "show more" next to the Classes section and the rest will populate the screen.

Individual Class View

Clicking on any of the class tiles will take into the individual class view where, as long as your teacher assigned formatives to this class and has enabled your access to them, you will see your assignments and performance scores listed under three separate tabs: "To Do Formatives", "Retakes" and "Submitted". Any practice sets assigned to this class by your teacher will appear under the "Practice".

All of your assignments are listed and the default sorting order is by most recently assigned at the top, but you can click the "Sort By" button to sort them by title A-Z or Z-A or by "Priority Formatives".

When you choose "Priority Formatives" the formatives on your list will appear in the following order (from top to bottom):

  • Late formatives will appear first on the list (soonest past due date formative will be first within the list)

  • Formatives with a "close date" assigned (where the formative automatically closes on the due date) will be next (soonest close date first within the list)

  • Formatives that have due date but not an automatic close date will follow (soonest due date first)

  • Most recently assigned formatives that are neither late nor have due dates will appear last (most recently assigned first)

On the individual class view, your teacher's name will be listed below the class' title. Hovering over the teacher's name will reveal additional information such as their full name, their avatar and their role. If there are several teachers teaching the class, only the lead teacher will be displayed by name on the main view, however an indication of the existence of additional teachers will be displayed next to it, and hovering over it will reveal a list of the co-teachers by name.

Formatives Section

On the main home page you will also see a section of Formatives divided into "To do Formatives", "Retakes" and "Submitted", and "Practice". On this page the list of formatives is comprehensive for all classes, and the list of practice sets includes both assigned practice sets and those created by you.

Note: All closed formatives will be listen under "submitted" regardless of actual submission. If you did not submit a formative your teacher has already closed you will need to reach out to your teacher and request it to be re-opened.

Navigating your lists of assignments (formatives)

Below the title of each assignment you can expect to find important information about it. For example, if answers are set to return instantly, if there's a time-limit set, or a pre-scheduled closing time for the assignment, if the formative has been paused by your teacher, if you will have the ability to edit your responses after you submit, if your teacher enabled multiple attempts (retakes), etc.

Here, you will also find an indication if your teacher has sent you any feedback / message within the formative with the option to click directly into it.

On the list of "To Do Formatives" -

Both on the comprehensive view and within the individual class view - formatives appearing under this category are all open formatives that you haven't submitted yet.

To access an assignment, simply click on it. Any open assignment that you already accessed before but did not yet submit will show the tag "In Progress" on the far right.

If your teacher defined a due date on the formative, a blue "Due Soon" pill will be displayed as a reminder the due date is coming up. If the due date has passed and you did not submit your formative yet, a red "Past Due" pill will be displayed instead:

On the list of "Retakes" -

Both on the comprehensive view and within the individual class view - formatives appearing under this category are open formatives that you already submitted at least one time, and have additional attempts available on them. The number of remaining retakes will be listed on the formative tile. You can click on any of the formatives here to initiate a new attempt (retake).

When doing a retake:

  • Any question you previously answered correctly will have the formerly entered answer already filled out on display. While you have the option to change these answers if you choose to, there is no need for you to do so - the correct answers will be saved and you can skip to the next question.

  • Any question you previously answered incorrectly will appear unanswered at this time, and you will need to enter a new response for the system to grade.

  • Any question that requires manual scoring by the teacher, such as question types that are not possible to automatically score (for example, a Video Response) will NOT be saved in between attempts UNLESS already scored by the teacher. If your teacher did not score them yet, they will be treated in the same way as questions that were answered incorrectly and will appear unanswered upon the following attempt(s), meaning you will need enter a new response (do not worry, your teacher will be able to see all the former answers you entered too!). If the teacher manually scores these before you begin another attempt, the score and the previously entered response will be saved and display for you when retaking the formative.

On the list of "Submitted" -

Both on the comprehensive view and within the individual class view - formatives appearing under this category are either closed formatives (whether you submitted them already or not), or formatives that you submitted and have no remaining attempts (retakes) on them.

As long as your teacher has defined the settings to it, you may still be able to click on the assignment to access and view your submission. In some cases, teachers will allow students to edit their assignments after the final submission as well. If this option is available to you on any of your assignments you will find the tag "Submitted (Editable)" among the settings tags on the left side of the tile.

Assignments labeled "Closed" are listed here regardless of submission status. If you have not submitted a formative your teacher has already closed you will need to reach out to your teacher with a request for it to be re-opened.

On the "Submitted" list you also have the option to view your scores (as long as your teacher has chosen to return them to you). By default, when opening this list, your scores will be hidden. This is by design to protect your privacy. To reveal your scores simply toggle on the button "Show Scores". To re-hide them, toggle the button to its' off position.

If you have any blank questions or ungraded answers on a formative, you will see an indication to it below the score.

Missing assignments?

If any of the assignments that were assigned to your current class are missing from your home page, please reach out to your teacher to inquire about them. It is likely that the teacher is the one preventing access to these assignments and they can also release them to be viewed again.

If you're missing past classes on your account, it is most likely due to the old class being archived by the teacher or the school.

Note: If assignments are posted through another system like Google Classroom, you will access them from there

On the list of "Practice" -

Both on the comprehensive view and within the individual class view - you will find your practice sets on this list. The class view will include all practice sets assigned to you by the teacher, while the comprehensive view will include your created practice sets as well. Each practice tile will include indication of the amount of cards it holds, as well as the name of the practice set owner (yourself or your teacher).

Clicking on any practice set tile will launch it for practicing. If you created the practice set, you can also click the triple dot menu on a practice set's tile to either delete or duplicate it.

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