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Students: Answering Formative Questions
Students: Answering Formative Questions

A guide for students on the technical aspects of answering questions.

Neta Raz Studnitski avatar
Written by Neta Raz Studnitski
Updated over 3 months ago

General guidelines and navigation

See our student resource article for accessing formatives, teacher-paced mode, navigating through sections, marking questions for later review, and checking your scores.

Text to Speech

If your teacher enabled Text to Speech on a formative, you will see the icon on the Learning Tools menu to the right side of your screen. Click the icon to enable the reader and to reveal the control bar, then click on the text itself to start the reader. You can adjust the speed of the reader, pause/unpause, and stop the reader from the control bar. To close the reader simply click on the icon again:

Accents Keyboard

If your teacher enabled the Accents Keyboard on a formative, you will see it displayed on every question it is supported on (Short Answer, Free Response, and Fill-In-The-Blank questions). At this time the Accents Keyboard is available in Spanish, German and French.

Simply expand the keyboard and click an accent button to add it to your response. For uppercase accents hold down the Shift button on your keyboard and then click the desired accent button:

Highlighter Tool

You can use the Highlighter tool to mark text within a question's instructions field or within a Text Block or a Paired Passages item provided by your teacher. Simply select the text section with your mouse or touchpad, then click on the highlighter color of your choice from the 4 options offered. The text you selected will immediately be highlighted.

Basic question types you are probably familiar with include:

Multiple Choice

Select only one correct answer.

Eliminate incorrect answers using our strikethrough feature.

Please note: the strikethrough will remain only while you are working on the question. If you navigate out of the formative and return to it later, your strikethrough markings will not appear.

Multiple Selection

Select multiple correct answers.

Eliminate incorrect answers using our strikethrough feature.

Please note: the strikethrough will remain only while you are working on the question. If you navigate out of the formative and return to it later, your strikethrough markings will not appear.

True or False

Select one correct answer between True or False.

Short Answer

Type your response into the text field.

Free Response

Type your response in the form of an essay. Use our Styling and Hyperlinking menu bar to style your response, add attachments by clicking the little plus button within the text field. If your teacher enabled the feature, you can also view your word count. Your teacher may have also added a "Show Your Work" box to this question, or even added a grading rubric that you can view.

Formative has some more complex question types that you may not have seen before, please use this guide to help you answer them! If you run into any issues, it's always best to ask your teacher for help first.


Your teacher will provide a prompt and then have items on the left side that need to be placed into categories on the right side.

You can either drag the item from the left side to the category on the right, or you can click on the 6 dots to the left of the item, then click on the blue plus sign under the category!

To change categories, just tap the "x" to remove the answer and send it back to the left side. Your teacher can create answers that don't fit in a category, or there may be more than one for each category, or an unused category!

Drag and Drop

Your teacher will present either text or an image with empty spaces, called "drop areas" to which you can drag and drop an answer. Answer choices will appear below the prompt.

The answer choices can also be text or images and they need to be moved into the correct drop areas.

You can drag the answer to the drop area by clicking and holding, then releasing onto the right spot, or you can click once on the answer to select it and then click once on the drop area where it should go.

If you want to remove your answer, just tap the "X" next to where you placed it in the prompt! It will return to the answer section and you are free to select it again and move it into any available space.

Here is an example animation for a drag and drop question with a text prompt:

Here is an example animation for a drag and drop question with an image prompt:

Note: Your teacher may provide more answer choices than drop areas or vice versa!

Troubleshooting Drag & Drop:

What if your drag and drop answer choices aren't "sticking" where you put them?

You may be on a slow network or have other software using up your bandwidth. Try this:

  1. Click and hold the answer you want to move,

  2. Drag it slowly to the place you want to drop.

  3. Wait for the color to change!

  4. Then release the mouse button to drop.


This type of question will have a prompt from your teacher and a number of options. Click and hold on the dots icon to the left of the answer you want to select, then drag it where it belongs in the order:


Matching questions will prompt you to drag and re-organize the tabs on the left column to match to the tabs on the right column. Click and hold the dots icon to the left of the tab you want to select, then drag it where it belongs.

Match Table Grid

You may have seen this question type on surveys or worksheets before. There will be rows and columns with radio buttons or checkboxes. Depending on your teacher's setting of this question, you may be able to select only one answer in each row, or multiple answers.

If the table contains circle radio buttons - you will need to select one choice from the radio buttons. You will not be able to de-select a radio button, but you can change it by clicking on a different answer in that row. You can only pick one in each row.

If the table contains square checkboxes - you will be able to select multiple choices in each row. You will also be able to deselect your choices.

Inline Choice

Your teacher will set up a prompt that has one or more drop-down menus. Click on the dropdown and select the answer from the list. If you need to change your answer, just click and select something else.

Fill In The Blank

Your teacher will set up a prompt that has one or more blank fields for you to fill out manually. Click inside the blank field to fill in your response. If your teacher intended for the answer to be a math equation or symbol, the in-app math keyboard will pop-up for you as soon as your click into the blank field. Otherwise, the answer will be text base and you will use your device's keyboard to enter it.

Hot Spot and Hot Text

For a "Hot Spot" question, your teacher will upload a picture or document and place clickable spots on it. Answer the prompt by clicking on a spot and a checkmark will appear. Once you've selected a spot, you can remove the checkmark by clicking again or you can leave it and continue the assignment.

The clickable areas can be dots, circles, squares, or rectangles. In the example below there are different shape and size clickable areas on 14 states and one Great Lake. In this example, the prompt is "Select Nebraska!" and the teacher has set this question to limit students to choosing only one answer, so clicking on a different state changes the location of the checkmark.

Your teacher may set up the question with multiple selection available, in which case you will have the option to checkmark more than one "spot".

Hot Text is similar! Your teacher will provide a prompt and there will be text box below. Anything selectable will be highlighted in blue and will become a darker shade of blue when you hover over it with your cursor. To select elements from the text as your answers to the prompt simply click on your selection(s). When selected, the word or phrase will have a rectangular border around it. Need to deselect it? Just click it again and the border will disappear.


A numeric question will open a math keyboard when you click into the answer space. You can use the buttons to create or answer equations in math and science classes. Navigate between the tabs for more functions and symbols. Long-press some of the buttons for additional functions. We have a whole article on how to use the math keyboard for numeric questions.

If the text turns red, it means you have not typed into all the available spaces (such as when writing out a fraction). The keyboard is not a calculator and won't do the math for you. It only provides the symbols to write your answer.

For questions without the dedicated math keyboard, you can also check out this LaTeX guide for ways to type symbols into your answers!

If your teacher enabled access to the integrated calculator in Formative, you will see the calculator icon on the Learning Tools menu to the right side of your screen. Click the icon to access the calculator. To close the calculator either click on the icon again. Click here for calculator tutorials

Graphing Question

In this version of the Graphing question type, responses are recorded directly within the graph!

  • Click the graph tab

  • Click on the graph background to add a point. You will need two points to create a graph. Drag a point or type in x and y coordinates to edit position. Click on a point to delete it.

When graphing an exponential function, follow these simple steps to place your graph accurately:

  1. Choose the location of the first two points on the graph to define the curve.

  2. Once the curve is plotted, click and drag the asymptote to adjust its placement.


If your teacher enabled access to the integrated calculator in Formative, you will see the calculator icon at the bottom right corner of your screen. Click the icon to access the calculator. Click here for calculator tutorials

File Response

You may have a prompt requesting that you upload a file. This can be a PDF or other document, an image, or a video. You can upload from your device or from Google Drive.

  • Click the "Upload New File Response" button to begin.

  • Select "Upload a file" or "Pick from Google Drive"

  • You may have to give Formative permission to access files on your device or your drive.

  • Navigate to your file and click "open"

In this example, the question has a rubric, which is linked from the left side under the question number!

(Please note that after clicking "Upload File," the user will be prompted to allow access to their device and then an explorer window will open to navigate to the file's location. This is not shown on the GIF above.)

Troubleshooting File Response:

👩‍🎓 I got an error:

  • The file must be under 100 megabytes.

  • Most file extensions are accepted but you may not upload .exe and some other types.

  • Make sure you have given permission for Formative to access your device or Google Drive.

  • Make sure you have a reliable internet connection.

👩‍🎓 I'm not sure I uploaded the correct file:

  • Click on the download button to the right of the file name to download and check it. This will not remove your file response, it will just download another copy so you can verify it's the correct one.

👩‍🎓 I uploaded the wrong file:

  • Just click on "Upload new file response" to select a new file. Please note you cannot delete the file you uploaded, only replace it with a different one.

👩‍🎓 I need to upload multiple files:

  • Formative does not support uploading multiple files for this question type. Ask your teacher for advice or assistance.

Audio Recording

You might be prompted to record audio for a question. For audio recording to work, you must have a microphone (such as the built-in one on your laptop) and you have to allow Formative to use it to record responses.

If this is your first time recording audio, there will be a prompt on your browser asking you to allow Formative to record sound and use your microphone. Select yes.

  1. Read the question, then tap the "Start Audio Recording" button to begin recording. Recording will begin immediately once the countdown is finished - you will see the audio recording control bar as fully accessible and the Recording timer button will show a red indicator in it to indicate it is on.

  2. You can use the Pause button to pause the recording at any time and click the Play button again when you're ready to continue from where you left of.

  3. If you're not happy with your recording and would like to start over, click the 'refresh' button - this will completely delete your previous recording and will restart the recorder.

  4. If you're not happy with your recording but don't want to record a different one at this time, click the trash can icon to delete your recording all together.

  5. When you are satisfied with your recording and ready to have it added to your assignment response, click the red Stop button on the left side of the control bar.

  6. Your audio recording will now be added to the assignment.

  7. At this point you can click on the Play button to hear a playback of your recording. If you're not satisfied with it, click on 'Replace Audio Recording' and confirm the prompt - your previous recording will be deleted and a new recording session will start instead. If you just want to remove the previous recording but not to record a new one at this time click on the trash can icon once the new recording session begins.

  8. You can also download your recording as an audio file, and adjust the playback speed by clicking on the triple dots menu to the far right of the recording once it has been added to your assignment

Troubleshooting Audio Recording:

What if the audio isn't recording and you don't hear anything on playback?

You may need to enable the microphone in two places: Your device (laptop, tablet, phone, or computer) and your browser (Chrome or Safari). (Also double check that your speakers are set up when playing back recordings!)

Video recording

Video recording works a lot like audio recording! Your teacher will provide a prompt and you'll have the option to record video using your device's camera, upload an existing video, or record your screen as you do work on your computer.

Record using your camera and microphone:

You have to allow Formative to access the device's camera (and microphone, if needed). You may have to allow access twice: Once for your browser and once for the device.

  • Click on the red circle to begin recording.

  • A countdown timer will tell you how much time you have left to record. The maximum time is ten minutes and it will count down from there.

  • You can adjust the position of the recording window slightly by using the six dots in the upper left.

  • You can play back the video and re-record as many times as you want!

  • Click "Add video" when you're finished. Once added, you can still change the video if you haven't submitted the assignment.

To upload a previously recorded video file, select "Upload a File." Give Formative permission to access files on your device, then the explorer window will pop up, allowing you to navigate to your file and select it.

Supported file types for video recordings are mp4, mov, webm, 3gpp, 3gpp2, flv, wmv, and mpeg. Videos must be 10 minutes or less.

Drawing / Show Your Work

Any time a Drawing question or the "Show Your Work" box comes up, your teacher is asking you to write, draw, type, highlight, measure, or otherwise show the work you've done on a whiteboard to answer the question.

To get started answering using a whiteboard, click on the "Show Your Work" button wherever you see it on a formative.

Once you are in the drawing / show your work box, you can read the question and click the down arrow icon to minimize it. This will give you more room to answer.

Your teacher may have an image, graph, or worksheet as the background for the whiteboard, or it could be blank.

You can use tools like lines or scribbles, shapes, writing text, and more!

Editor Tools in Drawing


This tool allows you to select, reshape, resize, and rotate any image or object on the Drawing canvas. This is also the tool the system will default to when exiting a text field or a math field. Before attempting to adjust previously entered items on the Drawing canvas, click on this "Select" tool and then proceed to click on the item itself.

When the Select tool is on, a Delete tool will appear as well. Clicking on the Delete tool will remove the selected item.


This tool lets you move around the canvas to create more space to work. Simply click on this tool and then click and drag the Drawing canvas around. Drawing is infinite, so students can truly work without limits!

Change text / line size, color, and quality

Click on the top tool in the toolbar to adjust the size and color of both lines AND text. Adjust opacity and define dash lines, fill shapes, and/or multi-touch drawing at your preference.

To make the pen into a highlighter, just change the color and adjust the slider so it's more transparent.

Define Line Presets (NEW!)

If you're repeatedly using the same line definition setting(s), you can add presets to your account. Presets will allow you to quickly change to preferred settings, minimizing the amount of clicks to adjust for your needs.

Simply select the settings of your choice and click the small + button under Presets. Repeat the process as many times as you need to add more presets to your account.

Scribble / Line

Click this tool to enable free drawing on the Drawing canvas. Select between entering straight lines or freestyle scribbling.

Add Shapes

Click this tool to enter pre-designed shapes. You can select between polygon, circle or rectangle. Once selected, click on the Drawing canvas and drag your shape to the size and location and location of your choosing. Need to readjust the size and/or location of your shape, or to rotate it on the screen? Click on the "Select" tool and then on the shape again - drag the shape from the corner to adjust the size, use the rotation dot to rotate, or drag and drop the shape to a new location on the screen. To delete a shape, click on the Eraser tool and then on the shape.

Add Math

Select this tool to launch Formative's Math Keyboard (Equation Editor) and enter mathematical and scientific properties. Click on the tool and then click anywhere within the Drawing canvas for the Math Keyboard to launch. Do you need instructions on how to best utilize the Math Keyboard? Review this article for full details and visual references!

Add Text

Select this tool to add a text box. Click on the tool and then anywhere on the screen where you'd like your text box to appear. Proceed to type into the text box, you can drag from the corner to adjust the size, and rotate the text box as well. Proceed to click on the screen to add more text boxes. If you need to edit a previously entered text box, click on the "Select" button first and then on the box for editing.

Add Image

Select this tool to add an image URL, add an image or document from your device or your Google Drive, or even use your built-in camera!

Drag the image by the corner to adjust the size, rotate to your preference, and drag to the location of your choice. To remove an added image click on the Eraser tool and then on the image.


Use this tool to remove any element previously entered into the Drawing canvas, simply swipe over or click on the item and it will be erased.

Be careful to only erase the parts you want to erase!

Add Ruler / Protractor

Click this tool to add a ruler and/or a protractor, these can be dragged to any position on the board, and they can also be rotated. To adjust the sizing click the zoom in / zoom out tools and then on the screen. To remove the ruler and protractor from the board click the eraser tool and then click the item to delete.

Zoom In / Out

Use this tool to zoom in or out on the Drawing canvas. Click on the preferred icon and then anywhere on the canvas to activate it.


Select this button to undo your previous actions.


Select this tool to move the math keyboard around the screen

Finishing your work in the Drawing / Show Your Work bx

When you are done, click on the blue checkmark in the upper right corner of the whiteboard. This will take you back to the main Formative screen. You will see a preview of all the work your teacher will see.

You can still edit it by clicking back into the drawing / Show Your Work box.

Note: Using the "back" button on your browser will take you back to your dashboard and exit the assignment, so always use the blue checkmark!

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