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View Responses: Group Student Responses to a Formative by Standards

Learn how to perform a standards based item analysis by viewing responses grouped by standards

Neta Raz Studnitski avatar
Written by Neta Raz Studnitski
Updated over 2 years ago

If you've tagged your questions to standards, you have the ability perform a Standards Based Item Analysis from within the "Responses" tab of your formative. A Standards Based Item Analysis is a way to aggregate results by standards first, and the under the results of the items/questions aligned to those standards. This type of analysis allows teachers to group/categorize questions to understand misconceptions students have.

The data driven from the Standards Based Item Analysis can provide teachers with answers to questions such as:

  • Which 3 standards did students overall do worst on?

  • How did Class A do on standard X compared to the average of all students?

  • Is there a question for standard X that students in Class B did the worst on?

  • Are there any standards that only specific students got completely wrong?

  • How did a specific student do on standard X?

  • Can you identify any students that started the exam doing well and then poorly toward the end?

  • Which question did students do worst on?

  • Which students performed best on standard X?

Answering such questions can help teachers identify which concepts students are not understanding and why they are struggling based on the performance on "items"/questions within that standard group.

When you toggle on "Group by Standards" at the top of the screen, the "Responses" summary will be divided into a column-type view in which each question is indexed to its column, and grouped under the standard it was tagged to. If a question is tagged to multiple standards, it will appear under each of them.

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