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Drawing Question (Show Your Work)
Drawing Question (Show Your Work)

Let's add a question your students can draw on top of!

Neta Raz Studnitski avatar
Written by Neta Raz Studnitski
Updated over 3 months ago


Drawing questions provide students with a whiteboard style editor to enter their work to. A myriad of editing tools allow students to draw, type, upload images, and more. This question type is ideal when a student should display the work they have done to reach a final answer, or to showcase work that was done off-line.

Add a Drawing question

  1. Click on the blue + button

  2. Choose "Drawing" from the Question types

  3. Type your question / instructions - these will appear at the top of the Drawing field when a student clicks on it

  4. Students can draw, type, or even upload an image into the Drawing field to answer the question!:

*Paid Teacher/School & District license Users: Students can now add PDFs and Google Docs too!

Add a background

You can draw, type, and upload images to the background before assigning the formative to your students! For example, you could:

  • Add a blank graph and ask students to add data points to it

  • Add a graphic organizer and ask students to type in its fields.

  • Add an image or photograph and ask students to circle certain items in it

  • Add math using the math keyboard!

  • Click the ellipsis to move the Math keyboard

Editor Tools in Drawing


This tool allows teachers and students to select, reshape, resize, and rotate any image or object on the Drawing canvas. This is also the tool the system will default to when exiting a text field or a math field. Before attempting to adjust previously entered items on the Drawing canvas, click on this "Select" tool and then proceed to click on the item itself.

When the Select tool is on, a Delete tool will appear as well. Clicking on the Delete tool will remove the selected item.


This tool lets teachers and students move around the canvas to create more space to work. Simply click on this tool and then click and drag the Drawing canvas around. Drawing is infinite, so students can truly work without limits!

Change text / line size, color, and quality

Click on the top tool in the toolbar to adjust the size and color of both lines AND text. Adjust opacity and define dash lines, fill shapes, and/or multi-touch drawing at your preference.

Pro Tip: Toggle "Opacity" to the left to create a highlighter effect. Perfect for annotating a text or diagram!

Define Line Presets (NEW!)

If you're repeatedly using the same line definition setting(s), you can add presets to your account. Presets will allow you to quickly change to preferred settings, minimizing the amount of clicks to adjust for your needs.

Simply select the settings of your choice and click the small + button under Presets. Repeat the process as many times as you need to add more presets to your account.

Scribble / Line

Click this tool to enable free drawing on the Drawing canvas. Select between entering straight lines or freestyle scribbling.

Add Shapes

Click this tool to enter pre-designed shapes. You can select between polygon, circle or rectangle. Once selected, click on the Drawing canvas and drag your shape to the size and location and location of your choosing. Need to readjust the size and/or location of your shape, or to rotate it on the screen? Click on the "Select" tool and then on the shape again - drag the shape from the corner to adjust the size, use the rotation dot to rotate, or drag and drop the shape to a new location on the screen. To delete a shape, click on the Eraser tool and then on the shape.

Add Math

Select this tool to launch Formative's Math Keyboard (Equation Editor) and enter mathematical and scientific properties. Click on the tool and then click anywhere within the Drawing canvas for the Math Keyboard to launch. Do your students need instructions on how to best utilize the Math Keyboard? Provide them with this article for full details and visual references!

Add Text

Select this tool to add a text box. Click on the tool and then anywhere on the screen where you'd like your text box to appear. Proceed to type into the text box, you can drag from the corner to adjust the size, and rotate the text box as well. Proceed to click on the screen to add more text boxes. If you need to edit a previously entered text box, click on the "Select" button first and then on the box for editing.

Add Image

Select this tool to search Google Images, add an image or document from your device, Google Drive, or even use your built-in camera!

Drag the image by the corner to adjust the size, rotate to your preference, and drag to the location of your choice. To remove an added image click on the Eraser tool and then on the image.


Use this tool to remove any element previously entered into the Drawing canvas, simply click on the item and it will be erased

Add Ruler / Protractor

Click this tool to add a ruler and/or a protractor, these can be dragged to any position on the board, and they can also be rotated. To adjust the sizing click the zoom in / zoom out tools and then on the screen. To remove the ruler and protractor from the board click the eraser tool and then click the item to delete.

Zoom In / Out

Use this tool to zoom in or out on the Drawing canvas. Click on the preferred icon and then anywhere on the canvas to activate it.


Select this button to undo your previous actions.


Select this tool to move the math keyboard around the screen

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