Create a Multiple Choice question
Click on the blue + button
Choose "Multiple Choice" from the Question Types
Type a question, add answer choices, and set the correct answer by clicking on the circle.
Adjust question settings
Answer Choice Explanations are immediate feedback notes teachers can add to answer choices that help their students understand any misconceptions they may have as soon as their score is returned.
Randomize (Gold plan only)
Gold plan subscribers can choose to randomize the order of the answers for their students. This is perfect in case they glance at a classmate's screen!
Note: When randomizing the order, the randomization will appear only on the students' end. The teacher's version will remain in the original order, including within the Preview mode (unless the formative has been assigned to guest students in which case the Preview mode will present the guest assignment's settings). The responses tab for the teacher will also present the answers in the original order.
Students will not be able to submit their work without providing an answer to this question
Add a whiteboard style box for your students to add their work to
Change grading method to a rubric
Allow Partial Credit (Silver/Gold plan only)
Give point values to answers that are on the right track! This grading is designed to support your students' learning journey by encouraging and allowing more accurate feedback. Check mark this option, and then head back to your previously entered answer choices to fill out the point value you'd like to award to each one of them
You can also add hints for your students and tag the question to standards
Want access to Silver/Gold Features? Find out more here.
Strikethrough feature
Your students will have the option to eliminate incorrect answers by using the strikethrough feature. Please note that this feature is only available at the moment. If a student used the strikethrough and then navigated outside of the assignment, when they return the strikethrough markings will be gone and only the correct answer that was check marked will be preserved.
NEW! Quick Math Button
Are you using the Math Keyboard to enter answer choices often? Formative now offers the option to add a Math Button to the answer choice fields within several question types, inlucing Multiple Choice questions, for quicker access to the Math Keyboard.
This will eliminate the need to repeatedly click on the little plus button and choose the Math Keyboard from the dropdown menu.
To enable access to the quick math button:
Click on "My Account" from the left side menu, and then "Settings"
Locate the field "Show math keyboard in answer choices" and toggle it ON
Once this setting is toggled on, you will see a Math Button added next to the little plus button within your answer choice fields. Clicking this button will immediately bring up the Math Keyboard.