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Creating Sections on an Activity (Paid Teacher/School & District license Feature)
Creating Sections on an Activity (Paid Teacher/School & District license Feature)

Organize activities by grouping questions into sections

Neta Raz Studnitski avatar
Written by Neta Raz Studnitski
Updated over 3 months ago

What are Sections?

Paid Teacher/School & District licensed teachers can organize activities by creating sections that group several questions together.

This feature allows teachers to maintain the order of sections that should be answered in a certain sequence, while also offering the option to randomize the order of the questions within each section.

When assigning an activity with sections, Paid Teacher/School & District license subscribers, if toggling on the "randomize questions" button will cause only the order of questions within each section to be randomized. The sections will remain in the original order.

In teacher-paced, although the default presentation will display each question in a section individually, teachers will have the option to switch the presentation and display each section as a unit of questions.

NOTE: If there is a required question in a section, students will not be able to move forward to the next section until the required question has been answered.

Create sections on an activity

  1. Click the blue + button and choose "Add a section" under Layout.

    Please note, the first time you add a section, the activity will automatically create 2 sections. After that you will be able to add more sections individually.

  2. Rename the section(s) title(s)

  3. Adjust the section(s) background color (this color will apply to all the questions and content items that will be nested under the section.
    Use these background colors to color-code your activity for easier navigation!

  4. Add section specific instructions to your students, if applicable. The instructions field can be styled, and content items can be added to it too!

  5. Add section specific teacher notes, if applicable. These will be visible only to you or other teachers should you grant them access to your activity. Teacher notes can also be styled, and content items can be added!

Add questions / content into a section

  1. To add questions into the first section, click on the small gray + plus button and choose your preferred question type or content item.
    To add questions into the second section, click the blue + button and choose your preferred question type or content type.

  2. Proceed to create your question

  3. Repeat these steps to add as many questions to the section as you'd like

NOTE: questions will continue to be added to the section you are in until you actively move to the next section. When a new section is created, the following questions will be added to it until another section is created, and so on.

The total amount of questions within the section, as well as the total points value of the section will be listed on the section's title tab.

Add more sections to the same activity

Once you are done with the original two sections that were created, and you are ready to start another section, repeat the steps above. You can add as many sections to an activity as you'd like, and as many questions to a section as you'd like.

If you started creating your activity without sections, and mid-way through decide to add them. Adding a section anywhere in the activity, will automatically create a section at the top of the activity too. This will ensure all questions are assigned to sections.

If you want to add a new section in between formerly created sections, simply click on the small gray + button wherever you'd like your new section to begin and the add item menu will appear, where you can choose "Add a section" under Layout as usual.

Copy / Duplicate a section

  1. Click the 3 dots next to the section's title

  2. Choose "Duplicate Section"

  3. The section will be duplicated along with all the questions inside it

Move a section

  1. Click the 3 dots next to the section's title

  2. Choose "Move Section"

  3. Click the "Move section here" button where you'd like to move your section to

  4. The section will move to the new location along with all the questions within it

Merge sections

An existing section can be merged into the section preceding it. When merging, all the questions within the current section will be moved into the preceding section

  1. Click the 3 dots next to the section's title

  2. Choose "Merge With Previous Section"

Delete a section

NOTE: Deleting a section will also delete all the questions within that section. Make sure to move out questions you would like to save prior to deleting the section, or use the merge sections option as listed above to move all questions into the preceding section.

Otherwise, you will need to restore the deleted questions individually (see steps in FAQ below)

To delete a section:

  1. Click the 3 dots next to the section's title

  2. Choose "Delete Section"

  3. Confirm the deletion in the popup window

Remove all sections from an activity

Changed your mind? Don't want to section your activity at all? You can remove all the sections from your activity without losing any of the questions and content items, with one click only!

  1. Click the 3 dots next to the first section's title

  2. Choose "Dissolve All Sections"

  3. Confirm dissolving all the sections in the popup window

FAQ and Troubleshooting

🙋🏿‍♂️ What if I have a question to add to a section I worked on before, but I already moved on to another section?

No problem! Scroll back to the section you want to add a question to:

  1. Click the small gray + symbol located above or below any question in the section you would like to add a new question to

  2. Select the preferred question type or content item​

  3. Proceed to create your question

  4. Repeat these steps to add as many questions to the section as you'd like

🙋🏻 What if I entered a question into the wrong section?

Questions can be moved between sections:

  1. Click the 3 dots next to the question

  2. Choose "move"

  3. Scroll to the correct section and click the "move here" banner where you'd like to place the question

🙋🏽 Can I re-order the sections on an activity?

Yes! To re-order sections follow the instructions listed HERE.

NOTE: Moving a section will move all the questions that are in it as well

🙋🏼 How do I delete a question from a section?

  1. Click the 3 dots next to the question

  2. Choose "delete"

  3. Confirm the deletion in the popup window

🙋🏿‍♂️ How do I delete a section?

  1. Click the 3 dots next to the section's title

  2. Choose "Delete Section"

  3. Confirm the deletion in the popup window

NOTE: Deleting a section will also delete all the questions within that section. Make sure to move out questions you would like to save prior to deleting the section, or use the merge sections option as listed above to move all questions into the preceding section.

Otherwise, you will need to restore the deleted questions individually (see steps in FAQ below)

🙋🏻‍♀️ Is there a way to simply merge a whole section with a previous section?

  1. Click the 3 dots next to the section's title

  2. Choose "Merge With Previous Section"

🙋🏽‍♀️ I accidentally deleted a question, can it be restored?

Yes! To restore a deleted question:

  1. Click the 3 dots on the top right menu, next to your profile icon

  2. Choose "Restore deleted items"

  3. A view of all items deleted from the activity will open on the right side of your screen

  4. Hover over the item you would like to restore and click the black "+ Restore" button that appears next to it

NOTE: If the deleted question was associated with an existing section, it will be re-added at the end of the same section as the last question within the section. You can follow the steps above to move the question to a different location.

If the deleted question was associated with a section that no longer exists (the section was deleted), it will be added at the end of the first section of the activity. To move the question to a different section, see steps above.

🙋🏼 Can I restore a deleted section?

Restoring sections is not optional at this time. If you accidentally deleted a section, re-create it and then restore the questions that were associated with it.

Student View

On the student side, when entering a activity with sections, the questions progress bar at the top will indicate the existence of sections by batching the questions for each section together, and separate these batches by a vertical line.

Each section will be displayed as a separate page on the activity, the section's title will appear at the top of the page.

For sectioned activities, students can access the next and previous buttons at the footer of student pages. The last section has a submit button, instead of a next button. The "Submit" button will appear at the bottom right of the last section of the activity.

Here is an animation showing the appearance and navigation of activities with sections from the student's point of view:

Review Student Performance by Sections

Once students have provided responses to your activity, head over to the Responses tab, where you can select by which attributes to display your students' scores. Selecting to group responses by Sections from the dropdown at the top of the page will display student performance on each defined section of the activity. You can view how students performed on each individual question within the section as well as the average performance of each student on the section as a whole.

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