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Deleting or Restoring Accounts

Delete an account if you incorrectly signed up as a teacher or student. Restore an account that was accidentally deleted.

Rebecca Worden avatar
Written by Rebecca Worden
Updated over 3 months ago

There are some cases in which you may need to delete your account. Please note, only Free Teacher users are able to delete their accounts. Teachers subscribed with a Paid Teacher plan or a School & District license must contact customer support in order to delete their accounts. Also, deleting student accounts requires reaching out to customer support. You can do this by clicking "Support" on the left side menu in your account, then choosing the option "Contact Formative Support."

In some cases, a student accidentally signed up as a teacher. In those cases you will want to delete the incorrect teacher account to sign up for a student account instead. Here's how you can delete your account:

Delete a Teacher Account

Useful if you experienced this error while inviting students to your class: "This user currently has a teacher account. Only students can be invited to a section."

Ask the student to log in and follow these directions:

  1. From the left side menu, click on your initials, profile photo or avatar, and then “Account Info”

  2. Scroll down and click "Advanced"

  3. Continue to scroll down and click the "Delete My Account" button:

You will then be prompted with this message. *Please be sure you are deleting the correct account.

Then, once you have confirmed it will take you back to the website landing page.
Follow these directions to create a Teacher Account

Delete a Student Account

If you're a teacher who accidentally signed-up as a student please contact customer support for help deleting the un-needed account.

Restore a Deleted Student Account

If a real student's account has been deleted for some reason, teachers can (and should) restore the student account directly from their Classes page.

Student data cannot be carried over or transferred to a new account for privacy reasons. If a student account was deleted, using these steps to restore them is the only way to restore their data.

Note: If you failed to restore your student's original account, and a new account has already been created for them - please reach out to Formative Support for assistance.

To restore:

  1. Go to the "Classes" tab

  2. Click on the dropdown menu next to the Class name to see the students in the class. The deleted student account will still show in the class.

  3. Click on the bubble to the left of the student's name

  4. Select "Restore" from the menu that appears at the bottom of the screen

  5. Confirm that you wish to restore the deleted student account:


  • Contact Formative Support if a student has multiple accounts that all contain necessary data, such as assignment scores.

  • If the student account was not deleted, just removed from your class, all you have to do is invite them to join again!

  • If there is an issue with student account rostering, please contact your school administrators or Formative Support.

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