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Set Answer key for Auto-Grading
Neta Raz Studnitski avatar
Written by Neta Raz Studnitski
Updated over 7 months ago

Auto-Grading Compatible Questions

The following question types can be auto-graded by setting an answer key:

  • Categorize

  • Drag and Drop

  • Fill In The Blank

  • Free Response

  • Hot Spot

  • Hot Text

  • Inline Choice

  • Match Table Grid

  • Matching

  • Multiple Choice

  • Multiple Selection

  • Numeric

  • Resequence

  • Short Answer

  • True or False

(Have a question about how Partial Credit scoring works with an answer key? Check out the articles for each question type! )

Set an Answer Key

Here's how to set an answer key for each question: 


Choose Categorize and type your items and categories. Create an answer key by dragging the items into the correct categories:

*Please note that, unless you enable "Allow Partial Credit", the student's response must exactly match the answer key to be marked correctly. 

Have a question about Partial Credit scoring? Check out our article here.

Drag and Drop

Choose Drag and Drop, type your question and add the drop areas. Enter optional answers, and then set the answer key by dragging and dropping the correct answers into their corresponding drop areas:

Fill In The Blank

Choose Fill In The Blank, type your question and add blanks where needed. For each blank enter the corresponding accepted answer(s) in the correct answer key field(s):

Free Response:

Choose Free Response and type your question. In the correct answer key field, type in the correct answer:

*Please note that, unless you enable "Allow Partial Match", the student's response must exactly match one of the answer key fields to be marked correctly. 

Hot Spot

Choose Hot Spot, type in your question, upload the image and mark spots for possible answers on the image. To set the answer key checkmark the spot(s) representing the correct answer(s):

Hot Text

Choose Hot Text, type your question in the top bar, and then enter your text into the text box. Highlight and then checkmark "hot text" every word you'd like to add to the optional answers list for students to choose from. To set the answer key, checkmark the bubble(s) next to the correct answer(s):

Inline Choice

Choose Inline Choice and type in your question. Add a dropdown area where needed, and enter the answer options into the corresponding answer fields. To set the answer key, checkmark the bubble next to the correct answer for each dropdown:

Match Table Grid

Choose Match Table Grid and build the matrix. To set the answer key, after entering your text items (rows) and answer choices (columns), checkmark the grid cell corresponding with the correct answer choice for each text item:


Choose Matching and type your question. Make sure you list matching terms next to one another in the same row - this sets the answer key.  Formative will take care of scrambling them for your students!

*Please note that, unless you enable "Allow Partial Match", the student's response must match all items correctly to be marked as correct. 

Multiple Choice:

Choose Multiple Choice and type your question. Enter in answer choices by placing your cursor by each selection. Mark the circle next to the correct answer. It will then be saved in the correct answer key below. 

Multiple Selection:

Choose Multiple Selection and type your question. Enter in answer choices by placing your cursor by each selection. Mark the circle next to the correct answers. It will then be saved in the correct answer key below:

*Please note that, unless you enable "Allow Partial Credit",  the student's response must exactly match the answer key to be marked correctly. 

Have a question about Partial Credit scoring? Check out our article about that here.


Choose Numeric and type your question. In the correct answer key field, type in the correct answer.

*Please note that, unless you enable "Partial Match",  the student's response must exactly match one of the answer key fields to be marked correctly. 


Choose Resequence and type your question. Enter the correct order of your options below the question, and the answer key is automatically created! The options will automatically shuffle for your students when they enter the formative.

(In the video, you will see what it looks like for your students in the Preview page, and how they can drag and drop the options in the correct order.)

*Please note that, unless you enable "Allow Partial Credit",  the student's response must exactly match the answer key to be marked correctly. 

Have a question about Partial Credit scoring? Check out our article about that here.

Short Answer: 

Choose Short Answer and type your question. In the correct answer key field, type in the correct answer. 

*Please note that, unless you enable "Allow Partial Match",  the student's response must exactly match one of the answer key fields to be marked correctly. 

True or False:

Choose True or False and type your question. Just like the Multiple Choice question, mark the circle either on True or False to mark the correct answer. It will then be saved in the correct answer key below. 

Testing the Answer Key

Once you've set your answer key, Formative will automatically grade your students' responses. You can see this on your "View Responses" page. 

If you'd like to test the answer key before assigning to students, use the Preview feature (the eyeball icon in the upper right). Your responses will show up on the "View Responses" tab under "Teacher Preview" and will be auto-graded according to your answer key.

If you'd like the scores to be visible to students as well, make sure to set your return scores / return correct answer settings when you assign the formative.

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