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Get the most out of Formative

Learn the best ways to connect with us so we can continue to enhance Formative for you!

Craig Jones avatar
Written by Craig Jones
Updated over a week ago

Since we launched Formative in 2015, we've been working with amazing educators like you to make it an increasingly awesome platform for gathering and acting on live student insights. 

Have a question about how to use our new interface? Have a great feature idea? Need something fixed and/or improved? Something else? Send us a message!

When you message, feel free to:

  • Provide details (ex: giving us the clone code or URL of the formative you are referring to)

  • Leave your number (great for urgent matters)

  • Request a time to video chat (so we can see what you see)

As former educators, we understand how precious your time is and will always strive to follow up with you ASAP! We can't wait to hear from you!

You can also connect with us on our Twitter and Facebook pages!

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You can also email support directly at

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