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Create and Manage Folders
Neta Raz Studnitski avatar
Written by Neta Raz Studnitski
Updated over a week ago

Create a folder

  1. Navigate to the "Formatives" tab

  2. Click on the "Create +" button and select "Create New Folder"

3. In the pop up window, give the folder a name and click on "Add Folder"

Add a new formative or practice set to an empty folder

Now that the folder has been created but is empty, you can add a new formative or a new practice set directly into it without having to navigate away by clicking on the relevant button.

Note: this option is available only when the folder is empty. If there is already content in the folder, simply click the "Add+" button at the top right corner to initiate new formatives or practice sets

Move formatives and practice sets in and out of folders

You can move multiple formatives at once, or one at a time.

1. Check mark the box next to the formative(s) and/or practice set(s) on the Formatives tab or inside a folder

2. Click on the "Move" icon

3. Select a new destination folder from the list (you can click on the + icons to view sub-folders)

4. Click on "Move":

Move folders in and out of folders (nesting)

There are two methods to move folders into other folders or out of them:

Method A

This method allows you to select and move multiple folders at once

  1. Check mark the box next to the folder(s) on the Formatives tab or in a parent-folder

  2. Click on the "Move" icon

  3. Select a folder (you can click on the + icons to view sub-folders)

  4. Click on "Move":

Method B

This method is used to move only one folder at a time

  1. Click into the folder you want to move

  2. Click on the triple dots next to the folder's name at the top of the page

  3. Select "Move"

  4. Move the folder where you desire

New! Add Quick Links

At times, there may be content items that you'd like to catalog under multiple folders or have direct access to from multiple folders. For this purpose Formative offers a way to generate a Quick Link to any content item (formative, folder, or practice set) which can be added to multiple folders within your account:

  1. From your Formatives page, check mark the content item you'd like to generate the Quick Link to

  2. Select "Add Quick Link" from the menu at the bottom of the screen

  3. Select the folder you'd like to add the Quick Link to from the hierarchy list presented

  4. Click "Add" to confirm the action

  5. Click into the destination folder you previously selected - the Quick Link is now listed within it

  6. To move the Quick Link to a different location or to remove the Quick Link - check mark the item and select the desired action. Note: deleting a Quick Link will only remove it from the selected location, it will not delete the item itself!)

Note: Quick Links are viewable and accessible only to the teacher who generated them within their own account. Adding a Quick Link into a shared folder will not give access to the collaborators to it.

Rename a folder

Two method to rename a folder:

Method A

  1. From your Formatives tab, check mark the box to the left of the folder you want to rename

  2. Select "Rename" at the bottom of the page

  3. Enter the new title and click "Rename Folder"

Method B

  1. Click into the folder

  2. Click the triple dots next to the folder's name at the top of the page

  3. Select "Rename"

  4. Enter the new title and click "Rename Folder"

Change settings within folders

When you are viewing a folder you can move, rename, share or publish that folder without navigating to the parent folder. Keep yourself organized without the headache of losing your folders!

Delete a folder

This action an be completed for one formative or for multiple formatives at once.

**Note: Deleting a folder will delete all formatives within this folder.

  1. From your Formatives tab, check mark the box to the left of the folder(s)

  2. Select "Delete" at the bottom of the screen

  3. Proceed to confirm your deletion request

Clone a folder

Folders can be duplicated with or without preserving previously entered settings on the formatives they contain, to create fresh versions of the same assignments or tests. The assessment settings preserved include Subject, Grade Level, Type, School Year, and any existing common assessment settings:

  1. Check mark the box to the left of a folder on the "Formatives" tab

  2. Select "Copy' from the menu at the bottom of the page

  3. Edit the Prefix and Suffix fields to your preference (these will appear on the title of the new copy created)

  4. Checkmark the box next to "Retain Assessment Settings" if you would like to preserve them on the copies of all the formatives the folder contains

  5. Complete the action by clicking on the "Copy" button

  6. The new copy will immediately populate on your Formatives screen

  7. You can then click into the newly copied formatives within the newly copied folder and adjust any settings to your liking, if needed

Send a copy of a folder to others!

*Note: Sharing a copy will NOT share student results. Teachers who use this code will not have access to the original formatives or results.

There are two ways to share a copy of a folder:

Send a copy from the Formatives page

  1. Check mark the box to the left of a folder on the "Formatives" tab

  2. Click on the share icon at the bottom of the page

  3. Click on the "Copy Link" button at the bottom of the window to immediately save to your clipboard; or click on the link icon next to it and choose your preferred method of sharing from the dropdown menu (you can either copy to clipboard, or share directly to Facebook or to Twitter).

  4. Send the copy link to your colleagues.

  5. Recipients can enter the copy link into their browser's URL bar and they will be prompted to confirm saving a copy of the folder to their account.

  6. Upon confirming, the folder will be copied over along with the entirety of its' content

Send a copy from within the folder itself

  1. Click into the folder you wish to share

  2. Look for the folder-nesting pathway string at the top of the page

  3. Click on the 3 dots to the right of the pathway string, and choose "Share" from the dropdown menu

  4. Click on the "Copy Link" button at the bottom of the window to immediately save to your clipboard; or click on the link icon next to it and choose your preferred method of sharing from the dropdown menu (you can either copy to clipboard, or share directly to Facebook or to Twitter).

  5. Send the copy link to your colleagues.

  6. Recipients can enter the copy link into their browser's URL bar and they will be prompted to confirm saving a copy of the folder to their account.

  7. Upon confirming, the folder will be copied over along with the entirety of its' content

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