Create a Free Teacher Account
1. Go to and click "Sign up - It's FREE:"
2. Accept Cookies for Formative to operate in it's optimized capacity
3. Choose your role: Teacher, Admin. or Other from the list at the top of the page
4. Click on the relevant Single Sign On button to sign up with either a Google, Clever, Microsoft or a Newsela account (then proceed to enter your credentials for the selected service). Or, if you do not use any of the above services, enter your email and a password. Then click "Sign Up"
4. Fill out the Account Info form.
If you work at a school search for it by name, zip, or city. If you do not work in a school click 'I don't have a school'
Fill out your name, the grade(s) and the subject(s) you teach
When ready, click 'Create Account!'
6. If you selected to sign up with Google SSO, you will now have an option to import your class(es) from Google Classroom into Formative. This action will automatically create accounts for your students (if they don't have one yet), and add them to your class(es). It will also allow you to post your Formative assignments directly into Google Classroom and enable grade passback.
If you're interested in syncing your classes at this time, check-mark the class(es) you want to import. If you're not interested in syncing your classes at this time simply click 'I'll Roster Later - Skip' (you will be able to complete this after your account is fully set up too)
For each of the selected classes, define the grade level(s) and subject(s), and when ready click 'Sync Classes'
You can now instruct your students to navigate to and login with Google SSO to their accounts. They will already be added to their class(es).
Proceed to click 'Go To Homepage' to access your newly created account!
Learn more about how to build an activity here.
*If you accidentally created a Student account (or vice versa), you must delete it in order to sign up for a Teacher account.
What's Next?
Now that you know how to sign up, here's how to log in!