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Universal Accommodations: Answer Choice Reduction (School & District license Feature)
Universal Accommodations: Answer Choice Reduction (School & District license Feature)
Neta Raz Studnitski avatar
Written by Neta Raz Studnitski
Updated over 2 months ago

Answer Choice Reduction

Providing accommodations for students with special needs is top of mind at Formative. Teachers on a School & District license can provide accommodations to students at the global level, setting up the accommodation once and have it applied for every formative*.

If enabled, students who have the Answer Choice Reduction accommodation will have an answer choice removed from any Multiple Choice / Multiple Selection question types on formatives that are assigned to them.

By default, only questions with 3 or more original answer choices will be effected by this accommodation, and the answer choice removed will be the first incorrect answer choice to appear on the list. If you wish to have a specific answer choice removed, please ensure your answer choices are ordered accordingly.

* Teachers have the ability to edit/over-ride a global Answer Choice Reduction accommodation for specific formatives, without effecting other formatives or classes. Continue reading to learn how.

Set a global accommodation for Answer Choice Reduction

Student Management Page Pathway:

  1. Go to your "Classes" tab

  2. Click on the title of the class the student is a member of, to open the "Student Management" page

  3. Click the "eye" icon next to "Accommodations"

  4. Next to the student's name click on the blue highlighted status (this can read "None" or showcase a different accommodation)

  5. In the pop-up window, toggle on the Answer Choice Reduction button

  6. Click "Update" to confirm the accommodation

Once the Answer Choice Reduction accommodation has been set for a student, the status under "Accommodations" will change to show the extension provided:

Student Profile Page Pathway

  1. Go to your "Classes" tab

  2. Click on the title of the class the student is a member of, to open the "Student Management" page

  3. Locate the student and click the carat next to their name, to navigate to the "Student Profile" page

  4. Click on the blue highlighted status next to "Accommodations" at the top of the page (this may read "None" or showcase a different accommodation)

  5. In the pop-up window, toggle-on the Answer Choice Reduction button

  6. Click "Update" to confirm the accommodation

Once a Answer Choice Reduction accommodation has been set for a student, the status next to "Accommodations" at the top of the page will change to show the extension provided:

Set up accommodations in bulk

If you need to set up the same accommodation for multiple students, you can take this action in-bulk:

  1. From your "Student Management" page - check mark the boxes next to all the students you'd like to set up the accommodation for

  2. Choose "Set Accommodations" from the menu at the bottom of the screen

  3. In the pop-up window, toggle-on the Answer Choice Reduction button

  4. Click "Update" to confirm the accommodation

Once a Answer Choice Reduction accommodation has been set for the students, the status under "Accommodations" will change to show the extension provided

Note: only setting up accommodations in currently available for bulk action. If you need to change or remove accommodations for students, you will need to do so for each student individually

Remove an accommodation

Student Management Page Pathway

  1. Go to your "Classes" tab

  2. Click on the title of the class the student is a member of, to open the Student Management page

  3. Click on the eye icon next to "Accommodations"

  4. Next to the student's name click on the blue highlighted status (this will now indicate the Answer Choice Reduction accommodation)

  5. Un-toggle the Answer Choice Reduction button

  6. Click "Update" to save

Student Profile Page Pathway

  1. Go to your "Classes" tab

  2. Click on the title of the class the student is a member of, to open the Student Management page

  3. On the "Student Management" page locate the student and click the carat next to their name, to navigate to the "Student Profile" page

  4. Click on the blue highlighted status next to "Accommodations" at the top of the page (this will now indicate the Answer Choice Reduction accommodation)

  5. Un-toggle the Answer Choice Reduction button

  6. Click "Update" to save


Accommodations are set globally on the student level. This means that once accommodations have been set for a student, they will apply for that student across the board: on all formatives and in all classes!
If a teacher changes or removes an accommodation from the "classes" tab - it will effect the student's accommodations for all classes and other teachers as well.

FAQ & Troubleshooting

🙋🏽 The student's Answer Choice Reduction accommodation doesn't apply to my class / subject - What do I do?

If a student has a Answer Choice Reduction accommodation, the teacher can disable the Answer Choice Reduction for the student on a formative level, i.e. on any specific formative they assign to the student, without affecting the accommodation on other formatives or classes. This can be achieved from the formative's assign settings window, under: Student Management Settings > Accommodations (see full instructions below)

On your formative's assign settings window, you will see the number of students with accommodations (in general) next to the "Accommodations" setting. Click on the dropdown carat to reveal the list of students along with their specific accommodations.

  1. Click the carrot next to "Accommodations" to reveal the list of students with accommodations

  2. Click on the blue-highlighted accommodation status next to a student's name

  3. Disable the Answer Choice Reduction for the student by toggling off the Answer Choice Reduction button

  4. Click "Update" to save the changes for this specific formative

  5. You can then proceed to assign the formative to the class

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