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Students: Working with Student Practice Sets
Students: Working with Student Practice Sets

Create and learn with Student Practice flashcards!

Neta Raz Studnitski avatar
Written by Neta Raz Studnitski
Updated over 2 weeks ago

What is Student Practice?

Student Practice is a feature that enables students to create practice flashcards for any subject of their choice and use them to study at their own pace. Students can use the practice sets in the classic way, or gamify the experience using a times & scored Match game version!

**Note: Your teacher may create student practice sets and share them with you. This article will review how to create your own practice sets, and how to work with practice sets in general.

Create New Student Practice

  1. Click on "Practice" from the left-side menu

  2. Click on "Add+" at the top right corner

  3. Name your Practice set

    You can create as many practice sets as you'd like

If you need to make changes to your Practice set's title, or if you'd like to associate it with a specific grade level(s) or subject(s) - simply click on the triple dot menu at the top right corner of the practice set and choose "Edit Settings". After adjusting the details, click "Save".

Add Flashcards to Student Practice

There are two ways for students to add flashcards to the student practice:

  • Typing in card content manually

  • Importing lists from external sources

Type card content manually

  1. On the right-side panel, enter the front side and the back side of the flash card into the corresponding fields.

  2. You can type in words as well as record audio files, and add images via upload or copy/paste

    Pro Tip: enter LaTex expressions between $ signs to create math expressions:

  3. Click "Add New Card" when finished

  4. The card you created will appear on the main practice page, and a new blank card will open for you to till

  5. Continue entering additional flash cards using the same method

When you're done adding the flashcards, click the X at the top right corner to close the right-side panel

If you need to add more cards, simply click on the "+ New Card" block or on the blue plus button at the top of the screen, and the right side panel will re-open:

Import list from external sources

If you have an external source with a list of flashcards content you can import that list into the practice set and the system will create the flashcards for you.

Files to be imported should be in CSV (comma separated values) or TSV (tab separated values) format, and they should include two columns: first column for the front side of each card, and the second column for the back side. You can create your own external source list by using Excel or Google Sheets and saving the file as .csv or .tsv; or you can use lists that you have exported from third party websites and apps such as Quizlet, Anki, Gimkit, etc.

To import your list:

  1. Click on the triple dots menu at the top right corner of the screen

  2. From the dropdown menu choose "Import set"

  3. A popup window will appear. In it you will find rows of fillable text fields divided into two columns. The left side column is for the front side of the cards, and the left side column is for the back side of the cards

  4. You can either manually add text into the text fields by typing or copy/pasting each field separately, or you can place your cursor into the first text field at the top and copy/paste your entire CSV or FSV formatted list

  5. When done, click on "Import" at the bottom of the window, and your flashcards will populate the practice set. You can then edit the cards if needed and add images and/or audio to them as well.

How to import lists from other websites / apps

If the other website or app you used to create your flashcards supports a .CSV or a .TSV format for exporting, you will be able to copy your flashcards into Formative in one go.

To do this start with exporting your flashcards list from the other website/app in a .CSV or .TSV format and then copy the content into the import modal as described above (click into the top left field in Formative and paste)

  • If you used Quizlet:

    1. Open the set in Quizlet (make sure you are logged in to your account)

    2. Select the triple dots (More menu)

    3. Select Export

    4. Set "Between term and definition" to Tab

    5. Set "Between rows" to New Line

    6. Click Copy text (Image exports aren't currently available due to copyright restrictions.)

    7. Paste your text into your preferred Spreadsheet software (i.e. Google Sheets, Excel, etc.): right-click the top left cell in an empty spreadsheet. From the menu choose "Paste Special" and then "Paste values only"

    8. Download your file as .CSV or .TSV

    9. Copy the file's content

    10. In the Formative import modal, click into the top left field and paste (the modal will separate the cards front and back for you)

  • If you used Anki:

    1. In the start screen, navigate to the deck you want to export, then press the "⚙️ (Settings)" button next to the deck

    2. Choose "Export". Set the export format as "Notes in Plain Text".

    3. Once done, this .TXT file will have fields separated by tabs

    4. Copy the file's content

    5. In the Formative import modal, click into the top left field and paste (the modal will separate the cards front and back for you)

  • If you used Gimkit :

  1. Find the Kit you would like to export

  2. Click Export on the side panel

  3. Click Copy Text

  4. In the Formative import modal, click into the top left field and paste (the modal will separate the cards front and back for you)

Note: When saving your files into .CSV or .TSV files, it's important that your cards' front side are in the first column, and your cards' back side are in the second column (without any headers or titles, or no other columns used). Additionally, when importing from other apps, it’s not possible to import non-text content (such as images or handwriting) in these formats.

Begin Practice

  1. Click into your created Student Practice set

  2. Click on the blue "Practice" button at the top right corner of your screen

  3. Choose the practice mode you prefer (Flashcards mode for a classic practice; Match mode for a Match game version, Quiz mode for a gamified practice version, or Write mode for a fill-in-the-blank version)

4. on the Start page - if you've practiced this set before - you can view your past performances (On the Match mode, you can even click to see how other who practiced the same set performed)

If the practice type and the cards can support it, an option to select which side of the card to display first will appear on this screen as well. Please note that this option may be disabled if the type of practice and/or the content of the cards do not support displaying the back side of the card first.

5. Click the green "Start" to begin your practice immediately.

Alternatively, you can select the background color you prefer by clicking on any of the recently selected backgrounds displayed on this start page, or clicking on the Gear icon at the top of your screen to select from all existing backgrounds, and then click the "Start" button from the backgrounds window.

6. Click on the Audio Settings button at the top right corner to adjust your preferred Audio experience:

Flashcards Mode - Check Your Knowledge

  1. Based on your earlier selection, either the Front side or the Back side of flashcards will be presented to you one at a time. If audio was added to the card, click on the "Play" icon to listen (to stop the audio click on the "Stop" icon)

  2. Try to answer to yourself

  3. Click on the flashcard to turn it over to the other side

  4. Check your knowledge in comparison with the back side of the flashcard. If audio was added to the card, click on the "Play" icon to listen (to stop the audio click on the "Stop" icon)

  5. If you got it right click on the green "Got it" button, if you did not get it right click on the red " Didn't get it" button

  6. Any flashcards marked "Didn't get it" will be presented again at random and the practice will continue until you get all your practice flashcards right

Remember, being honest with your answers will maximize the effectiveness of the practice tool and your learning potential!

🙋🏼 I didn't get all my flashcards right and I need to take a break, what do I do?

If you need to take a break, simply click on the "Back" arrow at the top left corner of your screen and return to the main Student Practice page.

Your practice will save from where you left off, and you'll be able to see which flashcards you've mastered and which flashcards you're still in the process of learning. Clicking on the corresponding category will take you back to reviewing the front and back sides of the flashcards for additional memorization. When ready, you can click on "Practice" again to resume your practice.

Note: After pausing practice once, resuming the Practice will take into account the category of flashcards you were viewing. If you were reviewing the flashcards you're still learning, only these flashcards will be presented to you when you re-click "Practice", and if you were reviewing the flashcards you already learned or those you haven't started yet - clicking "Practice" will present the corresponding flashcards as well.

If you want to practice the full set again, make sure you are viewing the "All" category.

Match Mode - Check Your Knowledge

  1. Several options of cards containing either the front-side or the back-side of flashcards will be presented (not ALL flashcards necessarily, and not all of them will have a match at any given moment!)

  2. Click on pairs of matching cards (front & back) as you identify them - correct pairs will disappear from the screen and be replaced with new cards

  3. Watch the timer on the right side corner

  4. Collect points as you go!

    1. 100 points for matching on first attempt

    2. 75 points for matching on second attempt

    3. 50 points for matching on third attempt or more

  5. When you're done - your time and points will be presented

  6. Click "Play again" to try to beat your record, or "exit" if you've had enough

Tip: Turn sound affects on/off by clicking on the sound icon at the top of the screen

Quiz Mode - Check Your Knowledge

  1. Depending on your selection earlier, either one Back side card or one Front side card is presented on the left side of the screen, along with four options of the other side of cards on the right side of the screen

  2. Choose the option on the right that matches the card displayed on the left

  3. Continue practicing until you get all the matches correctly

Write Mode - Check Your Knowledge

  1. The Front side of flashcards will be presented to you one at a time, with blank fields representing the amount of words expected to enter (Note: if both sides of the cards are supported for Write mode, our system will allow you to select between displaying the Front or the Back side of the flashcards, otherwise only the Front side will be presented)

  2. Type the words into the text field, one at a time, clicking either the Enter or Spacebar keys on your device's keyboard or the online submit button after each word

  3. Check yourself:

    1. If the word typed into the field matches, it will be entered into the blank and marked green

    2. If the word typed into the field does not match, a red incorrect icon will appear. Check your spelling or try a different word

  4. Each card must be answered successfully to move on to the next one. If you do not know the answer, click "I Don't Know" at the bottom left of the screen to skip the card. The system will show you the correct answer and then allow you to move on.

  5. Any card skipped with "I Don't Know" will be presented again at random and the practice will continue until you get all your practice cards right

Deleting Student Practice

To delete a practice set you've previously created:

  1. Click into the practice set

  2. Click on the triple dot menu at the top right corner of your screen

  3. Choose "Delete set" and confirm

Accessing a Practice Set Assigned By a Teacher

Your teacher can create practice sets and assign them to you. The practice sets will appear on your Practice tab just like the practice sets you created for yourself, however they will not be editable. Any practice set assigned by teachers will be clickable for viewing and practicing only.

You can quickly and easily locate practice sets assigned by your teacher(s) from your Home Page.

Both on the comprehensive view of the Home Page and within the individual class view - you will find your practice sets under the "Practice" tab list. The class view will include all practice sets assigned to you by the teacher, while the comprehensive view will include your created practice sets as well.

Each practice tile will include indication of the amount of cards it holds, as well as the name of the practice set owner (yourself or your teacher).

Clicking on any practice set tile will launch it for practicing. If you created the practice set, you can also click the triple dot menu on a practice set's tile to either delete or duplicate it.

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