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Un-submit (Undo Submission)

What to do if a student submits before they are finished taking an activity or needs additional time

Rebecca Worden avatar
Written by Rebecca Worden
Updated over 3 months ago


Students will sometimes submit an activity before they have completed all of the questions. When they do this, we try to warn them by having this message pop up:

However, sometimes they will submit nonetheless. Other times, you may want to allow a student to re-do an activity that does not allow edits after submission.

Whatever the reason, you can "un-submit" the student's work.


  1. Make sure you are in "Totals" view in View Responses.

  2. Click on the student's name. This will bring up a side panel.

  3. Click on the triple dots next to their score, and select the option "Undo Submission"


🙋🏻‍♀️ How can I undo submission for students if there is a time limit on the activity?

You can still undo submission for students if there is a time limit set. When you undo submission, students will see the timer confirmation screen again, and the timer will restart for them. They will not lose any of their responses.

🙋🏿‍♂️ Can I allow a student to redo a timed activity?

If you remove a student's responses on an activity with a time limit, students will see the timer confirmation screen again, and the timer will restart for them. Their old responses will be cleared, and they can redo the activity.

Tags: Unsubmit, un submit, un-submit, redo, re-do, resubmit, re-submit, return, undo submission, restart, re-start
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