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Un-submit (Undo Submission)

What to do if a student submits before they are finished taking a formative or needs additional time

Rebecca Worden avatar
Written by Rebecca Worden
Updated over a week ago


Students will sometimes submit a formative before they have completed all of the questions. When they do this, we try to warn them by having this message pop up:

However, sometimes they will submit nonetheless. Other times, you may want to allow a student to re-do a formative that does not allow edits after submission.

Whatever the reason, you can "un-submit" the student's work.


  1. Make sure you are in "Totals" view in View Responses.

  2. Click on the student's name. This will bring up a side panel.

  3. Click on the triple dots next to their score, and select the option "Undo Submission"


🙋🏻‍♀️ How can I undo submission for students if there is a time limit on the formative?

You can still undo submission for students if there is a time limit set. When you undo submission, students will see the timer confirmation screen again, and the timer will restart for them. They will not lose any of their responses.

🙋🏿‍♂️ Can I allow a student to redo a timed formative?

If you remove a student's responses on a formative with a time limit, students will see the timer confirmation screen again, and the timer will restart for them. Their old responses will be cleared, and they can redo the formative.

Tags: Unsubmit, un submit, un-submit, redo, re-do, resubmit, re-submit, return, undo submission, restart, re-start
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