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Close an Activity

Unless you've allowed edits after submission, closing a activity will prevent any more responses

Neta Raz Studnitski avatar
Written by Neta Raz Studnitski
Updated over 2 months ago

Closed activity definition

If you close an activity, students will not be able to respond to it any more - regardless of whether they submitted it or not, or if they've taken advantage of any Retake attempts you may have enabled on the activity. Please note: closing an activity does not automatically remove the activity from your students' dashboards, it only prevents them from responding to the activity. If you'd like your closed activities to be hidden from view on the students' dashboards you must make sure that assign settings also specify both scores and correct answers to not be returned. If scores or correct answers are set to return (at any point) the activity will still be visible and accessible from the student dashboard.

Close individual activities

There are three ways to close a individual activity: from your View Responses page, from the activity's Assign window, or from your Activities list page.

Close from View Responses:

  1. Visit the View Responses page

  2. Find the dropdown box next to the class you want to close the activity for

  3. When you click on the box, you will see the option to "Close Assignment."

Note: You can re-open the activity at any time by following the same steps and clicking on "Open Assignment" 

Close from the Assign window:

  1. Access the activity

  2. Click on the Assign button at the top right corner of the screen

  3. Click on the class you want to close the activity for

  4. Toggle the "Open" setting at the top of the window to "Closed"

Note: You can re-open the activity at any time by following the same steps and toggling the "Closed" button back to "Open"

Close from the Activities page:

  1. Visit the Activities page

  2. Scroll sideways to locate the class you'd like to close the activity for

  3. Click on the icon within the corresponding cell on the matrix for the activity you want to close (green lightning bolt, screen, etc.)

  4. Choose "Adjust settings"

  5. Click "Close" at the top right corner of the window

Note: You can re-open the activity at any time by following the same steps and clicking "Reopen"

If your activity is assigned to multiple classes, you will need to close it for each class it is assigned to. Below you can find instructions to closing activities in bulk.

Bulk-Close activities

Using the method detailed below you can :

  • Close the same activity for multiple classes at once

  • Close multiple activities for one or more classes at once

Close activities in bulk

  1. From your Activities page check mark the box(es) next to the activity(ies) you want to close

  2. Choose "Close" from the menu at the bottom of the page

  3. By default all classes the activity is assigned to will be check marked for closure. Proceed to un-check any class(es) you do NOT want the activity to close for

  4. When ready click "Confirm"

Note: You can re-open activities in bulk too! Simply follow the same steps as above only choose "Reopen" from the menu at the bottom of the page instead.

Troubleshooting and FAQ

🙋🏽‍♀️ My students can't see their activity on their dashboard anymore!

When an activity is closed, students will no longer have access to it on their dashboard unless you set scores to return or correct answers to return when you assigned the activity. You can update your Assign settings at any time to do this.

🙋🏼 I closed my activity because I don't want my students to see it on their dashboard anymore. How come they still see it?

If you have "Return Scores" or "Return Correct Answers" set to "After student submits," "Instantly," or "When Closed," students will still be able to see it. To remove it from their view, change these settings to "Don't return Scores" and "Don't Show Correct Answers."

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