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School & District License: Co-Teaching a Class
School & District License: Co-Teaching a Class

Departments, Schools, and Districts can add co-teachers to a class to share results!

Neta Raz Studnitski avatar
Written by Neta Raz Studnitski
Updated this week

Add Co-Teachers to a class

*Note: Individual Free Teacher or Paid Teahcer accounts do not have access to adding co-teachers at this time. Learn about School & District license features or Request a quote (schools/districts)

You can add one (or more) of your team members as a co-teacher to your class from the Classes page:

  1. On your main Classes page, click on the individual class to access the Student Management page

  2. Then, click on "More Options"

  3. Select "manage co-teachers" from the menu

  4. Type the email address of your co-teacher and click "Add":

You can also decide which co-teachers will receive notifications from Formative on activity in the class. Toggle Notifications ON/OFF per your preferences

Co-Teacher Permissions

Once they're added, your co-teacher(s) will be able to:

  • View, edit, and see all responses to any formative you assign to the class (any formative you create and assign to your shared class will automatically appear on your co-teacher's dashboard and they will have edit and assign access to that formative).

  • Assign any formative they create to the class.

Remove a Co-Teacher

Changed your mind? Simply follow the same instructions above to go back to the "manage co-teachers" window, and click the trashcan icon next to the name of the co-teacher you'd like to remove.

Transfer class ownership (available to the formative's owner or admins only!)

The owner of a class or the Admins at School & District licensed organizations have the ability to transfer a class ownership from one teacher to another. This is a great tool when teachers leave the organization - whether temporarily or permanently - and another teacher takes over their classes.

To transfer class ownership:

  1. Access the "manage co-teachers" window from the menu

  2. If the new teacher is not yet added as a co-teacher, add them at this time

  3. Click the "Transfer Ownership" button next to the name of the teacher you would like to make the lead of the class

NOTE: Once the ownership has been transferred, only an Admin or the new owner of the class can reverse it.

FAQ & Troubleshooting tips

🙋🏽 I tried to add a co-teacher to a class, but it says 'User not found.'/ I received an email saying that my co-teacher needs to have a team license.

You and your colleague must have a School & District license before they can be added as a co-teacher on a class. Please check with your team Admin or Org Manager that this person has been invited, and check with your colleague directly whether they have clicked the link in the invite email they received. You'll also get these messages if you misspelled your colleague's email address.

Once your colleague has been invited and accepted, you can re-add them as a co-teacher!

🙋🏽‍♀️ My co-teacher edited/deleted the formative I had assigned to the class. 

Your co-teacher has the ability to delete or modify formatives assigned to the shared class. If you do not want them to be able to do this, then you will need to remove that teacher as a co-teacher from your class.

You can still give your former co-teacher access to the formative. You learn about how to control collaborator access by clicking here.

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