What are Langugage Settings?
Whether you teach World Languages, English as a Foreign Language (EFL), or simply use a different language on your browser than the one you teach in - If you need to use Formative in a different language - We have great news for you!
Teachers and Students can now set the language explicitly in the app from the settings page. This will override the browser language while using Formative!
Teachers - to change the language in Formative
Click on "My Account" and choose "Account Info"
Scroll down to "Languages" and choose your preference from the dropdown list
Make sure to click "save" - you will get a confirmation once saved
Refresh the page and the site will appear in your language of choice
Students - to change the language in Formative:
1. Click on "My Account" and choose "Profile"
2. Scroll down to "Languages" and choose your preference from the dropdown list
3. Language change should reflect immediately, if not - refresh the page and the site will appear in your language of choice
You may also be interested in Formative's Tips for World Languages Teachers, or our Tips for English Language Arts Teachers!