If you are at a School & District licensed organization that uses Schoology, your Schoology administrator will be able to add Formative as an external app to Schoology through LTI. Once installed, you will be able to create Schoology assignments that include formatives. Students will then be able to log in to Schoology to take formatives. You can pass grades back from Formative to Schoology's grade book, too!
Assign a Formative via Schoology
First, create your formative, and assign it to the relevant class in Formative in the usual way.
Then, log into Schoology. To add a formative to your class materials / assignments, you can use the Add File/Link/External Tool option in Add Materials:
Choose "External Tool:"
Fill out the following details on the "Add External Tool" modal:
Tool Provider: Formative
Title: Same as entered in Formative, ideally
URL: Copy/paste the URL of the formative the students should respond to here
Enable Grading: Check this if you plan to use LTI Grade Passback to copy scores back from Formative into your Schoology Gradebook.
Students and teachers can now find this under the course materials:
Clicking it opens the material with Formative loaded embedded into the page. Login is done automatically based on the Schoology user's email.
If you click on the title and open the formative, you can adjust your Assign settings to "Require Schoology launch" (click "Update" after toggling this option):
This prevents students from opening the formative on the Formative website, so that they have to open it in Schoology (ensuring that you can pass the grades back to your Schoology grade book).
Student View
Example student view after launching the external tool from Materials: