Gold plan schools and districts can use Blackbaud's OneRoster capabilities to roster educators and students.
Step 1: Get OneRoster sync credentials
Blackbaud platform managers can create credentials for OneRoster integrations: a OneRoster Base URL, Consumer Key, and Consumer Secret.
OneRoster Base URL: Your base URL is based on your Blackbaud access URL; if your Blackbaud domain name is then your Base URL will behttps://{schoolName}/ims/oneroster/v1p1/ for example.
Step 2: Send us the credentials securely or input them if you are an admin.
Encrypt the consumer secret into a secure sharing URL using Send the Base URL, Consumer Key, and Consumer Secret to your implementation specialist.
Or, if you are an admin on the account, please reach out to get a link to directly input the consumer key and secret.
Please also send the following information:
List of organizations to roster (e.g. campuses in a district)
NCES / government identifiers for each organization, if available
Email domains of the users to import
When to start the import running (if not immediately).