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Embed a website, or embed any file from Google Drive!

Rebecca Worden avatar
Written by Rebecca Worden
Updated over 3 months ago

What is Embedding?

Embedding is a form of importing external content from another website into Formative. When using this feature, the embedded content is displayed within an iFrame - a window to to the other website that allows your students to interact with the other website without leaving Formative.

Note: level of access to the content and features of the other website within an iFrame is contorled solely by that website. Formative has little to no control over what is presented and accessible within the iFrame. If your students are unable to perform expected actions within the iFrame, you will need to contact the source website's support/admin to request permissions to be adjusted.

What can I embed?

You can embed any content from another website (as long as the website supports embedding), or anything saved in Google Drive, so that your students will not need to open multiple tabs!

Embed website content

You cannot simply copy the URL of a website and paste that into the "Embed" field. You must get an "embed code" from the website you wish to embed. Some websites, such as Flipgrid and Edpuzzle, provide embed codes (see below for more details on those sites!). Other sites do not provide an embed code, and you'll need to generate one using a site such as iFrame Generator (see below for an example).

Embed Google Drive Files

If you want to embed a Google Drive file, you simply need to copy and paste the sharing link. Make sure that your students have permission to view - if students are working virtually, you'll need to set permissions to "Anyone with the link can view" in order for the content to be visible to your students in your activity.

Where can I embed?

You now have two options to embed. You can either embed as a content item, or right within a question (*Paid Teacher/School & District license feature)!

Embed as a content item:

  1. Click on the "+" icon

  2. Choose "Embed" from the Content types

  3. If you're embedding a website: On another tab, with the content you want with the embed code, copy the embed code (or generate it using iFrame Generator - see below). If you're embedding a Google Drive file: Go to the file and copy the sharing link

  4. Go back to your activity page and paste the embed code / sharing link:

You can also add content between other things on your activity. Simply click on the + icon in between questions or content you've already created and select from the menu that appears

Embed within a question (*Paid Teacher/School & District license feature):

  1. Click on the "+" icon within the question

  2. Select "Embed"

  3. If you're embedding a website: On another tab, with the content you want with the embed code, copy the embed code (or generate it using iFrame Generator - see below). If you're embedding a Google Drive file: Go to the file and copy the sharing link

  4. Go back to your activity page and paste the embed code / sharing link:

Generate Embed Code

You can embed almost anything into an activity! If the site you want to embed doesn’t provide an embed code, you can use a site like iFrame Generator to generate one. Simply copy the website URL, paste that into iFrame Generator, and click "Generate." Then copy the embed code that is produced, so that you can paste that into the embed field of your activity:

Edit Embed Code

The embed code is editable, so you can (for example) edit the height and width so that the iFrame displays better on your student devices. To do this, simply edit the number that appears before "px" in the embed code, after "height=" and "width=." Note that if you add an embed to an uploaded PDF/Doc/Google Doc/image file, the maximum width for the iFrame is 350px. You may have to edit the width in the embedded iframe to 350px in order to view the full site:

Embed examples!

This folder contains step-by-step instructions for how to embed many sites, including Geogebra, Flipgrid, Wakelet, NewsELA, Edpuzzle, and more - along with examples! Click HERE to clone it to your dashboard. Or search "embed" in the Library.

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